Administration A : | |
A1 : | Establishment matters relating to gazetted officers of Finance Department and above the rank of Section Officers (including Leave Surrender and Commuted Leave of Accounts Officers) |
A2 : | Declaration of probation and confirmation in respect of Section Officers in Finance Department. Preparation of Seniority list of Gazetted Officers and Seniority complaints. OP files and other miscellaneous papers relating to gazetted officers, sanctioning of leave and surrender of Earned Leave in respect of gazetted officers of Finance Department. Fixing the cadre strength of Section Officers. Deputation of officers of and above the rank of Section officers, L.A. Interpolation |
A3 : | Establishment matters relating to Assistants in Finance Department. |
A4 : | Declaration of probation in respect of Assistants in Finance Department. Preparation of seniority list in respect of Assistants and seniority complaints. OP files and other miscellaneous papers relating to Assistants. Deputation of Assistants in Finance Department. Sanctioning of leave and surrender of Earned leave in r/o Assistants. Fixing of Cadre Strength of Assistants, L.A Interpolation |
Administration B : | |
B1 : | Establishment matters relating to Typist, Confidential Assistants/Personal Assistants, Drivers, Binders, Roneo Operators of Finance Department |
B2 : | Declaration of probation in respect of Office Superintendents, Typists, C.A, Drivers, Binders, Roneo Operators etc. Preparation of Seniority list in respect of Office Superintendent, Typists, Drivers, Binders, Roneo Operators, Compilers, etc O.P files and other miscellaneous papers relating to these categories Deputation of these categories and Deputation in respect of Peon, Attender & Clerical Assistant Sanctioning of leave and surrender of Earned leave in respect of themFixation of cadre strength L.A. Interpolation |
B3 : | Establishment matters relating to Peons, Attenders, Clerical Assistants, Part time Sweepers in Finance Department |
B4 : | Declaration of probation in respect of peons in finance department. Preparation of seniority list in respect of Peons, Attenders and Clerical Assistants Leave Sanctioning of leave, Surrender of Earned leave in respect of these categories Fixation of cadre strength L.A Interpolation, Training |
Administration C : | |
C1 : | Whole departmental works of National Savings Department and Establishment matters of employees of Finance (National Savings) Department, Establishment matters of Public Policy Research Institute. |
C2 : | Matters relating to O/o the Chief Technical Examiner, Pension Papers of employees of Finance Department. |
C3 : | Special recruitment of SC/ST and allied matters, conference papers, LA Inlerpellations and other miscellaneous works related to this section. Nomination of officers to Price Fixation committee, arranging Assembly duties to officers in finance department, etc. |
Accounts A : | |
A1 : | Cashier (Section Officer) |
A2 : | Salary processing, preparation of bills for leave surrender, Terminal surrender, processing of bills for crediting DA arrears to provident Fund Accounts, dealing NLC, LPC, Salary Certificate in respect of Assistants, works in connection with the EPF contribution in respect of Asst. Executive Engineer, Finance (Inspection â?? Technical) Department |
A3 : | Verification of Tour TA/Transfer TA Bills in respect of both Gazetted and Non Gazetted Officers of Finance Department, reconciliation of department figures with Treasury figures under the major head of accounts 2052 & regularisation of excess expenditure/savings. |
A4 : | Salary processing, preparation of bills for leave surrender/processing of NLC, Salary certificate and crediting DA arrears to General provident Fund Accounts etc., in respect of Typists, Confidential Assistants, Drivers, Clerical Assistants, Attenders and Roneo Operators. |
A5 : | Salary processing, preparation of bills for leave surrender, Terminal surrender, process to credit DA arrears to provident Fund Accounts, issuing of NLC, LPC in respect of Peons and Part time contingent employees of Finance Department. Calculation of Income Tax and issuance of form 16 certificates to all the NGOs in Finance Department. |
A6 : | Preparation of miscellaneous Bills for PF, PF Closure, GIS, FBS, M/R, issuing Government Orders to adjust petrol advance, preparation of Bills for all purchase in Finance/DPC and all other miscellaneous works relating to this section. Miscellaneous papers including L.A. Interpellation |
Accounts B : | |
B1 : | Rent of KSHB & SBTE Building Accommodation & connected purchases and payments, maintenance SLI, GIS â?? Enrolment & closures FBS closure Payment of IT purchases AC installation & related works Travel charges to ODEPEC Hospitality payments â?? Guest House, Mascot Hotel etc... Journey sanction Solar Installation Purchase and distribution of Department Books Audit File of AG Payment of Electrical & civil works to Contractors Construction of Conference Hall Disposal of Recovery notices of loan dues Allotment of Govt. Quarters LTC- Payment Facility to Fin(CTFM) â?? lunch quotations, telephone facilities, other amenities etc. |
B2 : | Maintenance, repair and purchase of department vehicles of Finance Department Purchase of stores and office stationery Medical reimbursement to staff in Finance DepartmentSanction and settlement of IFMA to staff in Finance Department Allotment of vehicle to drivers appointed through PSC Advance to the office of Secretaries, PSA, CTFM and Office Section Payment of Supplyco Bunks for supplying fuel to department vehicles of Finance Department |
B3 : | Sanction of GPF advance like Temporary Advance & Non Refundable Advance Conversion of TA into NRA Closure of HCA, MCA & Marriage Loans Admission and closure of GPF Processing of application and sanction of House Building Advance Releasing of security documents of HBA Sanction for the Permission of purchase of movable and immovable properties Processing of GPF a/c No. intimation & HBA broadsheet No. intimation by AG |
B4 : | Attendance monitoring District Finance Inspection Squad`s Fuel Advance, reimbursement, payment of wages, repair & maintenance of vehicles etc Right to information Assembly question Miscellaneous papers relating to the section Telephone Payments & ORT reimbursements Electricity charges & water chargesUpdating Telephone & PABX Numbers to ExchangeInstallation and shifting of new telephone connections Remuneration to D/W employees engaged in Finance Department Sanctioning of fuel advance to drivers in Finance Department Sanctioning newspaper allowance to Joint Secretaries and Additional Secretaries of Finance Department Payment of coolie charges and other miscellaneous allowances Reply to LA Questions and Right to Information Act 2005 |
Agriculture A : | |
A1 : | Works, contracts, supply of timber and firewood to different Public Sector Undertakings and Government Departments and also to religious institutions. Files and papers relating to leave and allied matters in respect of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development Department, Co-operation Department, Food & Civil Supplies Department, Irrigation, Ground Water Department and Forest Department Proposals relating to deputation/ training/ tours Proposals relating to deputation of foreign service & allied service matters |
A2 : | Creation, up gradation and continuance of posts - delegation of powers, Rent fixation and contingencies- advances- installation of telephone, etc and Miscellaneous papers including L.A. Interpolation |
Agriculture B : | |
B1 : | Projects/schemes of the following departments: Agriculture Department & Soil Conservation Unit, Forest Department, Dairy Development Department, Food & Civil Supplies Department, Ground Water Department, Minor Irrigation Department, Command Area Development Authority of Kerala Funds, Additional Authorisation of Funds relating to Schemes/projects of the above departments |
B2 : | Matters related to (a) pay fixation (b) Increment (c) Special Pay (d) Honorarium (e) Medical Reimbursement (f) Allowances of various types (g) Regularisation of the period of absence & Remuneration of the following departments : Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development, Co-operation, Food and Civil Supplies, Minor Irrigation & Forest Department All service matters of Farm Labours and miscellaneous papers relating to the section All official matters of the staff of pension defunct MMC Miscellaneous papers including L.A. Interpolation |
Agriculture C : | |
C1 : | 1)Loans, Grant and Subsidy (Agriculture Department and Co-operative Department) 2)Works related to Agriculture Debt Relief Commission and Miscellaneous papers relating to the section. |
C2 : | 1)Purchase, repairs and disposal of departmental vehicles, write off and arrear claims, differential cost of price (Agriculture, Co-operation, Forest Department, Minor Irrigation and Food Department). 2)Ratification on excess fuel consumption of vehicles, Time barred T.A. Claims. |
Budget A : | |
A1 : | Consolidation of Demands for Grants Preparation of Vote on Account Work relating to Budget Speech & Follow up action Arrangements of Printing of Budget documentsPreparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of account and connected works Debt Charges 2048 â?? Appropriation for Reduction or Avoidance of Debt 2049 - Interest payments Public Debt Repayment 6003 - Internal Debt of the State Government 6004 - Loans and Advances from the Central Government 7810 - Inter - State Settlements Demand No.XLV â?? Miscellaneous Loans 7610 - Loans to Government Servants, etc 7615 - Miscellaneous Loans Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0049 - Interest Receipts 0050 - Dividends and Profits |
A2 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of account and connected works Demand No.VI â?? Land Revenue 2029 - Land Revenue 2035 - Collection of Other Taxes on Property and Capital Transactions 2506 - Land Reforms Demand No. X - Treasury & Accounts 2054 - Treasury and Accounts Demand No. XXVI â?? Relief on account of Natural Calamities 2245 - Relief on account of Natural Calamities 6245 - Loans to Relief on Account of Natural Calamities Demand No. XXXIV â?? Forest 2406 - Forestry and Wild Life 4406 - Capital outlay on Forestry and Wild Life 6406 - Loans for Forestry and Wild Life Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0029 â?? Land Revenue 0035 â?? Taxes on Immovable Property other than Agricultural Land 0406 â?? Forestry and Wildlife |
A3 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of account and connected works Demand No. V - Agriculture Income Tax and Sales Tax 2020 - Collection of Taxes on Income and Expenditure 2040 - Taxes on Sales, Trade etc 2045 - Other Taxes and Duties on Commodities and Services Demand No. VII - Stamps and Registration 2030 - Stamps and Registration Demand No. VIII - Excise 2039 - State Excise Demand No. IX - Taxes on Vehicles 2041 â?? Taxes on Vehicles Demand No. XXXIX Power 2801 - Power 2810 â?? New and Renewable Energy 4801 â?? Capital Outlay on Power Project 4810 - Capital Outlay on New and Renewable Energy 6801 - Loans for Power Projects Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0020 - Corporation Tax 0021 - Taxes on Income other than Corporation Tax 0022 - Taxes on Agricultural Income 0023 - Hotel Receipt Tax 0024 - Interest Tax 0028 - Other Taxes on Income and Expenditure 0030 - Stamps and Registration 0032 - Taxes on Wealth 0037 - Customs 0038 - Union Excise Duties 0039 - State Excise 0040 - Taxes on Sales, Trade etc 0041 - Taxes on Vehicles 0042 - Taxes on Goods and Passengers 0043 - Taxes and Duties on Electricity 0044 - Service Tax 0045 - Other Taxes & Duties on Commodities and Services |
A4 : | Preparation of Annual Financial Statement Consolidation of Debt Budget Files connected with the Preparation of Budget in Brief Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the Demand No.44 â?? Contingency Fundâ?? 7999 Appropriation to the Contingency Fund and budget estimates under the major Head â?? 8000 Contingency Fund and connected files Preparation of Debt Budget under the following heads of account under the Public Account division of State Accounts and connected works 8009 - State Provident Funds 8011 - Insurance and Pension Funds 8031 - Other Savings Deposits 8115 - Depreciation/ Renewal / Reserve Funds 8121 â?? General and Other Reserve Funds 8222 - Sinking Fund 8223 - Famine Relief Fund 8229 â?? Development and Welfare Funds 8235 - General and Other Reserve Funds 8338 - Deposits of Local Funds 8342 â?? Other Deposits 8443 - Civil Deposits 8448 - Deposits of local Funds 8449 - Other Deposits 8550 - Civil Advances 8658 - Suspense Accounts 8670 - Cheques and Bills 8671 - Departmental Balance 8672 - Permanent Cash Imprest 8673 - Cash Balance Investment Account 8674 - Security Deposits made by Government 8675 â?? Reserve Bank Deposits 8679 - Accounts with Government of other Countries 8680 - Miscellaneous Government account 8782 - Cash remittances and adjustments between the officers rendering accounts to the same AG 8786 - Adjusting accounts between Central and State Government 8793 - Inter-State Suspense Account All other miscellaneous works relating to this section including L.A Interpolation |
Budget B : | |
B1 : | Preparation of budget in respect of the following heads of account and connected works Demand No. XVIII â?? Medical and Public Health 2210 - Medical and Public Health 01 - Urban Health Services- Allopathy 02 - Urban Health Services- Other Systems of Medicine 03 - Rural Health Services - Allopathy 04 - Rural Health Services - Other Systems of Medicine 4210 - Capital Outlay on Medical and Public Health 01 - Urban Health Services 02 â?? Rural Health Services 6210 - Loans for Medical & Public Health 01 - Urban Health Services Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0210 â??Revenue on Medical and Public Health 01 - Urban Health Services 02 - Rural Health Services |
B2 : | Preparation of budget in respect of the following heads of account and connected works Demand No. XVIII â?? Medical and Public Health 2210 - Medical and Public Health 05 - Medical Education, Training and Research 06 - Public Health 80 - General 4210 - Capital Outlay on Medical and Public Health 03 - Medical Education, Training and Research 04 - Public Health 6210 - Loans for Medical & Public Health 03 - Medical Education Training and Research 08 - General Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0210 - Revenue on Medical and Public Health 03 - Medical Education, Training and Research 04 - Public Health 80 - General |
B3 : | Preparation of budget in respect of the following heads of account and connected works Demand No. XVI â?? Pension and Miscellaneous 2071 - Pensions and Other Retirement Benefits 2075 - Miscellaneous General Services Demand No. XIX â?? Family Welfare 2211 - Family Welfare 4211 - Capital outlay on Family Welfare 6211 â?? Loans for Family Welfare Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0071 â?? Contributions and Recoveries towards Pensions and other Retirement Benefits 0075 â?? Revenue and Miscellaneous General Services 0211 - Revenue on Family Welfare Other miscellaneous papers relating to the Section including L.A Interpolation |
Budget C : | |
C1 : | Consolidation of Revenue Budget Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of accounts and connected works Demand No. XVII â?? Education, Sports, Art & Culture 2202 - 01- Elementary Education 2202 - 02 - Secondary Education 2202 - 80 - General 2204 - Sports & Youth Services 3425 - Other Scientific Research 3435 - Ecology & Environment 5425 - Capital Outlay on other Scientific & Environmental Research Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Revenue Receipt heads and connected works 1601 - Grant-in-aid from Central Government All other miscellaneous works relating to this section including L.A Interpolation |
C2 : | Consolidation of Staff Appendix. Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of accounts and connected work Demand No. XVII â?? Education, Sports, Arts & Culture 2202-03 â?? University and Higher Education Demand No. XXIVâ?? Labour, Labour Welfare and Welfare of Non-Residents 2230 - Labour & Employment 4250 - Capital outlay on other Social Services 6250 - Loans for other Social Services Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Revenue Receipt heads and connected works 0202 â?? Education, Sports, Arts & Culture 1425 â?? Other Scientific Research |
C3 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of accounts and connected works Demand No.XVII â?? Education, Sports, Arts & Culture 2202- 05 - Language Development 2203 - Technical Education 2202 - 04 - Adult Education 2205 - Art & Culture 4202 - Capital outlay on Education, Sports, Art & Culture |
Budget D : | |
D1 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of accounts and connected works Demand - II â?? Heads of States, Ministers and Headquarters Staff 2012 â?? President/Vice President/Governor/Administrator of Union Territories 2013 - Council of Ministers 2051 - Public Service Commission 2052 â?? Secretariat General Services 2251- Secretariat Social Services 3451- Secretariat Economic Services Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following head of account and connected works 0051 - Public Service Commission Works relating to Public Accounts Committee, Excess Grants Regularization and Consolidation of Explanatory Memorandum |
D2 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/Head of accounts and connected works Demand â?? XII â?? Police 2055 - Police,2062-vigilance 4055 - Capital Outlay on Police Consolidation of Supplementary Demands for Grants Preparation of Revenue Budget Estimates and connected works in respect of the following heads of account 0055 - Police |
D3 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following demands/major heads and connected works Demand - XI - District Administration and Miscellaneous 2047 - Other Fiscal Services 2053 - District Administration 2250 - Other Social Services Demand â?? IV - Elections 2015 - Elections Sanctioning of Advances from Contingency Fund Demand No. XIII - Jails 2056- Jails, 0056- Revenue All other Miscellaneous Papers relating to the section including LA interpolations |
Budget E : | |
E1 : | Special Letter of Credit/General Letter of Credit in Public Works (Buildings) Department |
E2 : | Special Letter of Credit/General Letter of Credit in Water Resources |
E3 : | Special Letter of Credit/General Letter of Credit in Harbour Engineering Department, Forest Department Preparation of Budget Estimates under the following Demands and connected works Demand No. XX â?? Water Supply and Sanitation 2215 - Water Supply and Sanitation 4215 - Capital outlay on Water Supply and Sanitation 6215 - Loans for Water Supply and Sanitation Demand No. XXI â?? Housing 2216 - Housing 4216 - Capital outlay on Housing 6216 - Loans for Housing Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0215 - Water Supply and Sanitation 0216 - Housing All other miscellaneous works including L.A Interpolation relating to this Section |
E4 : | Preparation of Budget Estimate in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of Account and connected works. Demand XXXVIII - Irrigation 2700 - Major Irrigation 2701 â?? Medium Irrigation 2711 - Flood Control and Drainage 4700 - Capital Outlay on Major Irrigation 4701 - Capital Outlay on Medium Irrigation 4711 - Capital Outlay on Flood Control Projects 0700 - Revenue Receipts under Major Irrigation 0701 - Revenue receipts under Medium Irrigation Special Letter of Credit/General Letter of Credit in Public Works (Roads and Bridges) Department |
Budget F : | |
F1 : | Preparation of Budget in respect of the following Demands and connected works Demand No.XXIII - Information & Publicity 2220 - Information and Publicity 4220 â?? Capital Outlay on Information and Publicity Demand No.XXVIII - Miscellaneous Economic Service 3454â?? Census Surveys and Statistics 3475 - Other General Economic Service 5465 - Investments in General Financial and Trading Institutions 5475 - Capital outlay on Other General Economic Services 7465 - Loans to General Financial and Trading Institutions 7475 - Loans for Other Economic Services Demand No.XLII - Tourism 3452 - Tourism 5452 - Capital outlay of Tourism 7452 - Loans for Tourism Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works 0220 - Information and Publicity 1452 â?? Tourism 1475 â?? Other General Economic Services |
F2 : | Preparation of Budget in respect of the following Major Heads of account and connected works Demand No. I - State Legislature 2011- Parliament / State / Union Territory Legislatures Demand No. III - Administration of Justice 2014 - Administration of Justice 2058 - Stationery & Printing 4058 - Outlay on Stationery & Printing 6075 - Loans for Miscellaneous General Services Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0070 â?? Revenue Receipts under other Administrative Services |
F3 : | Consolidation of Plan Budget Preparation of Budget in respect of the following Demands/Major Heads and connected works Demand No.XXXII - Dairy 2404 - Diary Development 4404 - Capital outlay of Diary Development 6404 - Loans for Dairy Development 2070 â?? Other Administrative Services Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works 0404 â?? Dairy Development All other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Budget G : | |
G1 : | Demand No. XXVII - Co-operation 2425 - Co-operation 4425 - Capital outlay on Co-operation 6425 - Loans for Co-operation and the Revenue Receipt head Demand No. XXXIII - Fisheries 2405 - Fisheries 4405 - Capital outlay on Fisheries 6405 - Loans for Fisheries/ the Revenue Receipt head Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works 0405 - Fisheries 0425 - Co-operation |
G2 : | Preparation of Budget in respect of the following Demands and connected works Demand No. XXXVII â?? Industries 2851 - Village & Small Industries 2852 â?? Industries 2853 - Non ferrous Mining & Metallurgical Industries 2885 - Other Outlays on Industries & Minerals 4802 - Capital Outlays on petroleum 4851 - Capital Outlays on Village & Small Industries 4853 - Capital Outlays on Cement and Non Metallurgical Industries 4854 - Capital Outlays on Cement and Non Metallic Mineral Industries 4857 - Capital Outlays on Chemicals & Pharmaceutical Industries 4858 - Capital Outlays on Engineering Industries 4859 - Capital Outlays on Telecommunication & Electronics Industries 4860 - Capital Outlays on Consumer Industries 4885 - Other capital Outlays on Industries & Minerals 6851 - Loans for Village & Small Industries 6853 - Loans for Non ferrous Mining & Metallurgical Industries 6854 - Loans for Cement & Non Metallic Mineral Industries 6857 - Loans for Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Industries 6858 - Loans for Engineering Industries 6859 - Loans for Telecommunication & Electronics Industries 6860 - Loans for Consumer Industries 6885 - Other loans to Industries & Minerals and Revenue Receipt heads Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0802 â?? Petroleum 0851 - Village & Small Industries 0852 â?? Industries 0853 - Non-Ferrous Mining & Metallurgical Industries 0875 - Other Industries |
G3 : | Preparation of Budget in respect of the following Demands and connected works Demand No. XXX - Food 2236 - Nutrition 2408 - Food, Storage and Warehousing 3456 - Civil Supplies 4408 - Capital outlay on food, storage, warehousing 6408 - Loans for Food, Storage & Warehousing Demand No.XXXI â?? Animal Husbandry 2403 â?? Animal Husbandry 4403 â?? Capital Outlay on Animal Husbandry 6403 â?? Loans for Animal Husbandry and the Revenue Receipt heads Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0403 - Animal Husbandry 1456 - Civil Supplies Capital Receipts All other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Budget H : | |
H1 : | Preparation of Budget Estimate in respect of the following Demands/Heads of Account and connected works Demand No. XXV â?? Welfare of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes and Minorities 2225 - Welfare of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes and Minorities 4225 â?? Capital Outlay on Welfare of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes and Minorities 6225 - Loans for Welfare of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes and Minorities Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works 0056 -Jails 0250 â?? Other Social Services |
H2 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of account and connected file works Demand No. XXIX - Agriculture 2401 - Crop Husbandry 2402 - Soil & Water Conservation 2415 - Agricultural Research and Education 2435 - Other Agricultural Programs 2551 â?? Hill Areas 2575 - Other Special Areas Programmes 2702 - Minor Irrigation 2705 - Command Area Development 4401 - Capital Outlay on Crop Husbandry 4402 - Capital Outlay on Soil and Water Conservation 4415 - Capital Outlay on Agricultural Research and Education 4435 - Capital Outlay on other Agricultural program 4551 â?? Capital Outlay on Hill Areas 4575 - Capital Outlay on other Special Area Programs 4702 - Capital Outlay on Minor Irrigation 4705 - Capital Outlay on Command Area Development 6401 - Loans for Crop Husbandry 6402 - Loans for Soil and Water Conservation 6575 - Loans for Other Special Areas Programmes 6705 - Loans for Command Area Development Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works 0401 â?? Crop Husbandry 0435 - Other Agricultural Programs 0575 â?? Other Special Area Programmes 0702 â?? Minor Irrigation |
H3 : | Demand No. XLVI - Social Security And Welfare 2235 - Social Security and Welfare 4235 â?? Capital Outlay on Social Security and Welfare 6235 - Loans for Social Security and Welfare Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of accounts and connected works 0235 â?? Revenue Receipts Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works And all other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation relating to the Section |
Budget J : | |
J1 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands / Heads of account and connected works Demand No. XXXVI - Rural Development 2501 - Special Programs for Rural Development 2505 - Rural Employment 2515 - Other Rural Development Programs 4515 - Capital outlay on other Rural Development Programs Demand XXII - Urban Development 2217 â?? Urban Development 4217 - Capital outlay on Urban Development 6217 - Loans for Urban Development Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works 0217 â?? Urban Development |
J2 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/ Heads of account and connected works Demand No. XXXV - Panchayat 2515 - Other Rural Development Programs 4515 - Capital Outlay on Other Rural Development Programs 6515 - Loans for Other Rural Development Programs Demand No. XLIII - Compensation & Assignments 3604 - Assignments and Compensation to Local Bodies and Panchayat Raj Institutions Consolidation of Appendix- IV to DBE, All miscellaneous papers relating to the Section including Interpolation Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and connected works 0515- Other Rural Development Programs |
Budget K : | |
K1 : | Preparation and finalization of works Budget will be attended jointly by the two seats of Budget wing â?? K Section Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands / Heads of account and connected works Demand No. XV â?? PWD 2059 â?? Public Works 3054 â?? Roads and Bridges 4059 â?? Capital Outlay on Public Works 5054 Capital Outlay on Roads & Bridges 7075 â?? Loans for Other Transport Services Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works 0059 - Public Works 1054 â?? Roads and Bridges |
K2 : | Preparation of Budget Estimates in respect of the following Demands/Heads of account and connected works Demand No. XL -Ports 3051 - Ports and Light Houses 3055 â?? Roads Transport 5051 â?? Capital Outlay on Ports and Light Houses 7051 - Loans for Ports and Light Houses 7052 - Loans for Shipping Demand No. XLI â?? Transport 3053 â?? Civil Aviation 3055 â?? Road Transport 3056 â?? Inland Water Transport 3075 â?? Other Transport Services 5052 â?? Capital Outlay on Shipping 5053 â?? Capital Outlay on Civil Aviation 5055 â?? Capital Outlay on Road Transport 5056 â?? Capital Outlay on Inland Water Transport 5075 â?? Capital Outlay on other Transport Service 7053 â?? Loans for Civil Aviation 7055 â?? Loans for Road Transport 7056 â?? Loans for Inland Water Transport Preparation of Revenue Budget under the following heads of account and Connected works 1051 â?? Ports & Light houses 1056 â?? Inland Water Transport 1075 â?? Other Transport services All other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation relating to the section |
BDS & GB : | |
BDS 1 : | All issues pertaining to Bill Discounting System through BDS software Preparation of schedule for payment of pending bills Issuing orders relating to Bill Discounting System Processing of requests from various Executive Engineers relating to the payments and issuing letters to the banks concerned for the payment of amounts to the contractors issuing promissory note to the banks on the basis of the statement of payment made to the contractors All Court cases, LA interpolation, Right to information Act cases and all other miscellaneous papers of bill discounting system liaison NIC and various banks in the matters relating to BDS software |
BDS 2 : | All issues pertaining to Gender budgeting and funding Compiling, Evaluating and monitoring of State level activities of gender budgeting related works. Liaison with central Govt. Relating to gender budgeting. All Court cases, LA interpolation , Right to information Act cases and all other miscellaneous papers of Gender Budgeting. |
CSFC A : | |
A1 : | Statements 1 Summary of Revenue & Capital Account 2 Revenue Receipts 2a Statement of Shared Tax Proceeds from Centre 3 Revenue Expenditure 5 Total Number of State Government Employees and Expenditure as on 31st March (2010-11 to 2017-18) 6a Total Number of Employees in Fully/Partially Aided institutions and Expenditure as on 31st March (2010-11 to 2017-18) 7 Total Number of Pensioners and Expenditure on Pension 9 Grants from the Central Government 10 Grants for Upgradation, Special Problems, Calamity relief and local bodies 14 Details of Calamity Relief 25 Flow of funds (other than share in central taxes) from Central Ministries/Departments of Government of India 30a Statement of Grants for Internal Security/Police received from Govt. of India 30b Expenditure-Revenue&Capital Major Head : 2055/4055-police 30c Group wise Police Force (No of Employee) as on 31st March TOPIC NOTES 1 Stamps and Registration â?? 1(a)&(b) 2 VAT/Sales Tax/Purchase Tax/GST-2(a) to (c) 3 State Excise Duties â?? 3(a) & (b) 4 Taxes on motor Vehicles, passengers and goods â?? 3(a) to (c) 5 Electricity Tax/Duties 6 Other Taxes and Duties 10 State Budgetary Position â?? 10(a) & (b) 11 Administrative Reforms Commission 12 Cash Management 13 Natural Calamities 37 Fiscal Environment and Fiscal consolidation Roadmap 39 Taxation efforts â?? 39(a) & (b) 41 Pension Reforms initiative â?? 41 (a) to (e) 42 Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFM) 43 43(a) to (e) Work related to memorandum Drafting Committee Preparation of Presentation before the Commission Follow up work of 13th & 14th FC LA Interpolations |
A2 : | null |
Development : | |
D1 : | I. Creation of post, Time barred arrear claims, Fixation of pay and allowances, Special Pay, Charge allowance, up gradation of posts, Time Bound Higher Grade, TA payments & TA Arrear claims related to the following Departments. Local Self Government department, Town and Country Planning Department, Kudumbasree, AHADS, Rural Development department, Urban Affairs Department, All development authorities, Election Commission, FIRMA, SAF, Ombudsman, Centre of Excellence, SIRD, KILA, TRIDA, GIDA, DCDA, TRUDA, PAD(Kerala) and continuous sanction of temporary posts under Head of account 2217-Urban development. |
D2 : | Schemes, Budget and allied matters, purchase, distribution of funds, DA payments etc. related to 1.Fisheries Department, 2.Port Department, 3.Hydrographic Survey, 4.Harbour Engineering Department, 5.Local Self Government Department, 6.Town and Country Planning Department, 7.Kudumbasree, 8.Rural Development Department, 9.Urban Affairs Department, 10.All Development Authorities, 11.State Election Commission, 12.KSBC, 13.FIRMA, 14.SAF, 15.Ombudsman, 16.Centre of Excellence, 17.SIRD, 18.KILA, 19.TRIDA, 20.GIDA, 21.GCDA, 22.TRUDA, 23.PAD(K), 24.AHADSetc |
D3 : | Land Acquisition, Delegation of Powers, Works pre-qualification of Tender, Contract, Purchase of new vehicles, Telephone, Audit objection, Rent, Vehicle Write off, Issuance of Administrative Sanction, Renewal of estimate, Special working group etc. relating to all Departments/ Institutions dealing by D1, D2 and D4 seats. |
Diarisation Unit & Central Registry Unit (CRU) : | |
DU1 : | Diarization of Tapals registered in Registry and Monitoring Unit Forwarding of Tapals to Concerned Sections of Finance Department |
Education A : | |
A1 : | Administrative sanction for the schemes/works and fund release of various institutions under General Education Department Approval, protection and appointment of teachers in General Education Department Files relating to all Working Group Meetings under General Education Department Additional Fund, Supplementary demands for Grants and other budgetary aspects under General Education Department Re-option, pay fixation of General Education Department Purchase and repairs of equipments, vehicles, stores etc. Papers relating to Right to Education Act, Computer Education, Centrally sponsored schemes Papers relating to meeting of General Education Department and allied Institutions Higher grade, increment and promotion of teachers of Government and aided schools |
A2 : | Granting of leave/deputation of teachers in General Education Department New Schemes on General Education Department Miscellaneous papers relating to General Education Department Open School, National Games, Special schools Special Pay and allowances, fee and honorarium Grant release of Departments under General Education Conduct of examination by General Education Department Stipend, Scholarship etc.. |
A3 : | Pension cases of staff under General Education Department Post creation, continuance sanction, under General Education Department Write off, delegation of powers, installation of telephones. Opening, up gradation and reformation of schools Opening of duplicate service book, time barred arrear claims. Papers relating to Lab, Libraries, stores etc of General Education Department Section officer has the liberty to contribute any new item of proposal to any of the seats Bonus and festival allowance in respect of General Education Department Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Education B : | |
B1 : | All papers including fund release and meeting related to Higher Secondary Education, VHSE, Sports & Youth affairs Directorate, IT @ School project, SSA, RMSA, State Central Library and Sports Schools under Gen. Edn Dept. |
B2 : | All papers including fund release and meeting related to the following Grant-in-Aid institutions/ Board: IHRD,LBS centre for Science & Technology, KRNVVS, KYWB, KSSC, KSLMA, KCHR, KSLC, SCERT, PNPVVK, SRC, CCEK, SEMAT, Kerala State Open School, C-APT and the following DEpartments:NCC, NSS, BS&G. |
B3 : | Printing Department, Stationery Department, TTIs, Training Colleges, Posts creation & Approval in respect of Arts & Science colleges, KBMS, SIMC, Text Book Office, KBPS paper purchase, Text Book Depot, Purchase of paper relating to SSLC, Plus Two Exams, School Text Book Printing. |
Education C : | |
C1 : | All papers including fund release proposals of Universities, Central University. Training to College teachers â?? University Teachers Faculty developments, All papers relating to starting of Law colleges, Post creation in Universities. All papers relating to starting of new courses, papers relating to amenities, study tour, hostel facilities, lab, libraries etc. Papers relating to NUALS and other search Centres, papers relating to meetings of Universities, inter University Centres, Pay fixation, option, promotion, Pay Revision of Colleges, Universities etc., continuance sanction of posts under Collegiate Education Department, Grant release to Universities, Higher Education Council, Examination on Colleges, Universities etc., Approval, appointment of teachers etc., amendment of University statutes, Miscellaneous papers on Higher Education, Placement of training faculty development of college teachers, New schemes on Universities and Colleges, new University, papers relating to Music Colleges and Fine Arts Colleges, proposal from Directorate of Collegiate Education, post creation in Non teaching staffs of colleges, Meeting Files of All Universities, subject committee meeting, special Working Group Meeting. |
C2 : | All Files relating to Post creation, Pay fixation, option, promotion, Pay Revision of Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics of Colleges, Technical Education Department etc., Science and Technology Museum, Centrally sponsored Schemes on Colleges, Universities etc. Grant release to Technical Education, Fund release proposals for KSTTM, ASAP, RUSA, All papers relating to administrative sanction of schemes/projects. SDG, additional funds and other budgetary aspects, Examination on Colleges/Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics etc. Continuance sanction of posts under Technical Education. Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, Science and Technology, Museum, Approval, appointment of teachers etc. Miscellaneous papers on Higher Education & Technical Education Department, placement of training faculty development of College teachers, UGC/AICTE Pay Revision, Files relating to Subject Committee meetings on Higher Education Department, Proposal from Directorate of Collegiate Education, Meeting Files, Working Group/Special Working Group Meeting etc. |
C3 : | All files relating to various institutions under Cultural affairs Department â?? Kerala Sahithya Academy, Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Academy, Kerala Lalithakala Academy, Kerala Kalamandalam, State Institute of Encyclopaedic Publications, Kerala State Chalachithra Academy, Vasthu Vidya Gurukulam, Bharath Bhavan, Malayalam Mission, Vailoppilly Samskrithi Bhavan, Kumaranasan National Institute of Culture, Kerala State Book Marketing Society, Kerala State Cultural Activists Welfare Fund Board, Konkani Sahithya Academy, Tulu Academy, Guru Gopinath Natana Gramam, Jawahar Bala Bhavan, State Institute of Children`s Literature, Kerala Folklore Academy, State Institute of Languages. Administrative Sanction for various plan proposals under Cultural affairs Department, Fund releases, additional authorization, re-appropriation, Post creation, appointment, pay revision, papers relating to pension, purchase of vehicles, etc., papers relating to men of letters and arts, various memorial institutes and other cultural centres, Kerala. All files relating to Culture Directorate, Museum and Zoo Department, Archaeology Department and Archives Department including Working Group/Special Working Group meetings etc. |
Establishment B : | |
B2 : | Establishment matters of Divisional Accountants in Kerala General Service |
B3 : | Establishment matters of Financial Assistants, Finance Officers and Senior Finance Officers in Kerala General Service. Convening DPC, Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Establishment C : | |
C1 : | Establishment matters relating to all Non Gazatted officers of the Department of Treasuries, Special rules of Treasuries Department. |
C2 : | Establishment matters relating to all Gazatted officers of the Department of Treasuries and convening of DPC. |
C3 : | Opening of New Sub Treasuries, District Treasuries, conversion of Non Banking Treasuries, LA interpolations, Budget papers |
Establishment D : | |
D1 : | All establishment matters relating to Kerala State Audit Department. |
D2 : | All establishment matters relating to Kerala State Insurance Department and LA interpolations relating to matters common to Kerala State Audit Department and Kerala State Insurance Department (Miscellaneous) and other miscellaneous papers relating to the section. |
D3 : | Payment of compensation arising Motor accidents in respect of Kerala State Insurance Department, Damages due to fire , flood and other natural calamities in respect of Kerala State Insurance Dept. Kerala Advocate clerk`s Welfare Fund Schemes Group Personal accident insurance scheme. Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Expenditure A : | |
General : | The following Administrative Departments are allotted to the Section 1)Election Department(2) Environment Department(3) General Administration Department, 4)Home Department 5)Information & Public relations Department 6)Information Department 7)law Department 8)NORKA Department 9) Parliamentary Affairs Department 10)P&ARD 11)Planning and Economic Affairs Department 12)Revenue Department 13)Science & Tecnology Department 14) Store Purchase Department 15)Taxes department 16) Tourism Department 17) Vigilance Department. |
A1 : | 1. Continuance of temporary posts in the Departments under Revenue, Taxes, Home, Vigilance, General Administration Department, Tourism,Information Technology, Planning & Economic Affairs Department, Information & Public Relations Department. 2. Continuance of posts belonging to All India Service 3. All files related to Revenue Department,law Department ,Sainic Welfare Department, Kerala House &Information Technology department 4. Files relating to Taxes Department except works 5. Files related to LAR cases,Rent Fixation 6. All other miscellaneous papers related to the section |
A2 : | 1.All establishment files related to Raj Bhavan, Psc, Gad Secretariat,law secretariat, legislature secretariat&Store and purchase Department. 2. Creation and up gradation of posts related to the above mentioned departments. 3. All establishment files related to personal staff of Ministers, Govt.chief Whip, leader of Opposition & Mp`s 4. Creation of posts belonging to All India Services 5.construction &Maintenance of building in respect of Home & taxes Department. 6. Proposals on lease assignment, sales etc of Government lands coming from Revenue Department |
A3 : | 1. Files related to works in respect of Lok Ayukta and the Departments under Tourism, Norka, Vigilance, Revenue Environment, General Administration, Planning & Economic Affairs, Information & Public Relations, Election, Home Department and P & ARD 2. Creation and up gradation of posts relating to the above mentioned departments 3. Creation, up gradation and continuance of posts in the Offices of the Enquiry Commission, Concerned Administrative Wing (Home & vigilance) 4. All other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation 5.All establishment files related to Lok Ayukta and the Departments under Tourism, Norka, Vigilance, Planning & Economic Affairs, Information & Public Relations, Election,Science & Technology,Parliamentary Affairs Home Department and Environment |
Expenditure B : | |
General : | |
B1 : | 1. Files related with Fund releases, Exemption of stamp duty/registration fee, Installation of telephone/cellular/internet connection, Writ Petition/Original petition, sanction of journey, Ex-gratia payments. All purchases, Repairs & Maintenance of vehicles, Condemnation of vehicles / articles. Annual Maintenance Contract, computerisation and modernisation, Remission of RR, Write off, Refund, Contingent expenditure, Permanent Advance, Temporary Advance in respect of the department viz., Taxes, Planning & Economic Affairs, Environment, I&PRD, Parliamentary Affairs. 2. Release of grant in aid to various institutions / bodies coming under the above departments. 3. All meeting files including working group, Special Working Group and Empowered Committee and LA interpellation in respect of the above departments. 4. Delegation of Financial Powers to Administrative Departments and Head of Departments. |
B2 : | 1. Files related with Fund Release, Exemption of Stamp duty / registration fee, installation of telephone / cellular / internet connection, Writ Petition / Original Petition, Sanction of journey, Ex-gratia payments. All purchases, Repairs & Maintenance of vehicles, Condemnation of vehicles / articles, Annual Maintenance Contract, computerisation and modernisation, Remission of RR, Write off Refund, Contingent expenditure, Permanent Advance, Temporary Advance in respect of the department viz., Home (including F&RS & Jail), Vigilance, P&ARD, Law, General Administration, IT. 2. Release of grant in aid to various institutions / bodies coming under the above departments. 3. All meeting files including working group, Special Working Group and Empowered Committee and LA interpellation in respect of the above departments. 4. Files related with Freedom Fighters, Political Pension and Khadi, Hindi Pension. 5. Financial Assistance for treatment of Prisoners. |
B3 : | 1. Files related with Fund Release, Exemption of Stamp duty/registration fee, installation of telephone/cellular/internet connection, Writ Petition/Original Petition, Sanction of journey, Ex-gratia payments, All purchases, Repairs & Maintenance of vehicles, Condemnation of vehicles/articles, Annual Maintenance Contract, Computerisation and Modernisation, Remission of RR, Write off, Refund, Contingent expenditure, Permanent Advance, Temporary Advance in respect of the department viz., Tourism, NORKA, Election, Revenue, Devaswom, Disaster Management, Stores Purchase. 2. Release of grant in aid to various institutions/bodies coming under the above departments. 3. All meeting files including working group, Special Working Group and Empowered Committee and LA interpellation in respect of the above departments. 4. Payment of Annuity to Devaswoms/Temples 5. Interpretation of KFC 6. All miscellaveous files/papers |
Expenditure C : | |
C1 : | TA Rules Amendment to Part II KSR Sanction of Time barred TA claims in respect of all Departments Leave Travel Concession (LTC) Special Allowance (CA) to physically handicapped persons. |
C2 : | Creation of posts of Part Time Sweepers, Regularisation of Casual Sweepers, Court Cases in respect of Part Time Sweepers of all departments |
C3 : | Creation of posts of Part Time Sweepers, Regularisation of Casual Sweepers, Fixing of wages to Casual Sweepers, Court Cases in respect of part Time Sweepers of all Departments. Revision of daily wages in respect of common category, computer operators, Data Entry Operators etc All other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
FBS A : | |
A1 : | Advocate General Office, Agriculture Department, Kerala Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Tax, Animal Husbandry Department, Archaeology Department, Archives Department, Chemical Examiners Laboratory, Co-operative Department, Cultural publication Department, Commissionerate of Civil Supplies, Commissionerate of Commercial Taxes & Coir Department, Dairy Development Department, Directorate of Prosecution, Drugs Control Department, Directorate of Medical Education, Directorate of Sports & Youth Affairs Department, Economic and Statistics Department, Electrical Inspectorate, Employment & Training Department, Enquiry commissioner & Special Judge, Employees Insurance Court, Factories & Boilers Department, Fire & Rescue Services Department, Fisheries Department, Forest Department and Ground Water Department, Panchayat Department, NCC Department. |
A2 : | Excise, Harbour Engineering Department, Handloom & Textiles Department, Hydrographic Survey Wing, Industrial Tribunal & Judge, Industries and Commerce Department , Insurance Medical Services, Jail, Judiciary, Kerala Land Use Board, Labour Courts, Labour Department, Legal Meteorology Department, Local Fund Audit Department, Mining and Geology Department, Museum & Zoos Department, Motor Vehicles Department, National Savings Department, Police Department, Port Department, Printing Department, Public Library, Public Works Department, Registration Department, Rural Development Department, State Insurance Department, State Lotteries Department, Kerala Urban Development Project. |
A3 : | Vigilance & Anti corruption Bureau, Irrigation Department, Land Revenue Department, MACT, Sainik Welfare Department, Scheduled Caste Development Department, Scheduled Tribe Development Department, Secretariat & P &ARD (cases not listed in any of the section), Social Welfare Department, Soil Conservation, State Water Transport Department, Stationery Department, Survey & Land Record Department, Training & Development Studies, Town & Country planning Department, Tourism Department, Treasuries Department, All commissions including PSC, All Tribunals, General questions relating to implementation of the FBS of the employees, Issuance of Government Orders, Circular and guidelines and processing of the file relating to the policy decisions of the scheme, clarification/instructions relating to the scheme and maintenance of accounts and disbursement of amount, Reconciliation of collection and expenditure, study of Government contribution and related matters, Audit objections from Accountant General, Miscellaneous papers or work not allotted to other sections in FBS, the works relating to Health Department (including Ayurveda and Homoeo) and Revenue Department. And all other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpellation |
FBS B : | |
B1 : | FBS in respect of Education Departments of Idukki, Ernakulam, Kottayam, Malappuram & Alappuzha Districts |
B2 : | FBS in respect of Education Departments of Thiruvananthpauram , Kollam, Palakkad, Kasargod & Wayanad Districts |
B3 : | FBS in respect of Education Departments of Kannur, Kozhikode, Thrissur & Pathanamthitta Districts All other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpellation |
Funds 1 : | |
F1 : | 1. Allotment of Funds to the District Collectors and other outside Agencies from Chief Minister`s Distress Relief Fund on the basis of the Government Orders issued by the Revenue (DRF-A, DRF-B & F) Department 2. Verification of accounts relating to CM`s D.R.F maintained at each collectorate, at least once in a year, issue verification report and pursuance follow up action thereon. 3. Scrutiny of the proceedings issued by the District Collectors sanctioning financial assistance from C.M`s D.R Fund 4. Allotment of Prime Minister`s National Relief Fund to District Collectors for disbursement to next of kin on the basis of Government Orders issued by Revenue (K) Department 5. Conduct verification accounts related to the payment from Prime Minister`s National Relief Fund maintained by District Collectors, issue verification report and take follow up action 6. Papers relating to RTI Act 2005. 7. Papers relating to LA Interpolations |
F2 : | Receiving and scrutinising of applications relating to Chief Ministers Janasanthwana Fund Collecting and scrutinising information from Collectorate, Village Office regarding Chief Ministers Janasanthwana Fund Issuing of Government Order and allotment of fund from CMJSF All papers files and record relating to Balasanthwana Fund and CMJSF Issuing Government Order for Balasanthwana Fund Dealing of miscellaneous papers and files |
Group Insurance Scheme : | |
G11 : | Compilation of data collection from the District level conferences, complaints, petitions and their correspondences and settlement of claims pertaining to the Districts â?? Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, pathanamthitta, Alapuzha and Kottayam. Works relating to enhancement of rate of subscription, accounting procedure, revision of Table benefits. |
G12 : | complaints, petitions and their correspondences and settlement of claims pertaining to the Districts â?? Idukki, Ernakulam, Thrissur and Palakkad. Amendment of GIS rules, LA interpolation and clarification. Review of progress of enrolment in the GIS. |
G13 : | complaints, petitions and their correspondences and settlement of claims pertaining to the Districts â?? Malappuram, Kozhikkode, Wayanad, Kannur and Kasaragod and other miscellaneous works not mentioned above. |
Grant-in-Aid Monitoring Cell : | |
GMC 1 : | 1. Monitoring of Grant-in aid received from Government of India 2. All other miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
GMC 2 : | 1.Co-ordination and effective monitoring of recovery of loans sanctioned by State Government to Public Undertakings, Development Authorities, Local Self Government, Autonomous Bodies, Institutional Bodies and its interest receipts to Government |
HBA : | |
HBA 1 : | Deals with issues related to allocating joint housing loan for purchasing/constructing house of flat for government employees/teachers who work in different departments. Write off House Building Advance for State Govt. Employees and matters related to old House Building Advance Scheme. Matters related to refund of excess remittance of House Building Advance for State Govt. Employees. Matters related to House Building Advance Scheme with Banks, Securitisation of House Building Advance with State Bank of India and CANARA Bank. House Building Advance of Heads of Department and Maintaining Allotment Register for Joint House Building Advance. |
HBA 2 : | Deals with issues related to House Building Advance (Single Application) of State Government Employees and Teachers, its allotment, Keeping Allotment register and all matters related to it. Matters related to preparing Budget Estimate, Resumption, Reappropriation under the h/a 7610-00-201-HBA-98-State Service Officers. Matters related to House Building Advance to All India Service Employees, Preparing Budget Estimate, Resumption, Reappropriation under h/a 7610-00-201-HBA-99-All India Service Officer. Deals with sanctioning House Building Advance to All India Service Employees for purchasing/Constructing house/flat. Its allotment Register and all matters related to it. Matters related to Write off and refund of Excess remittance of HBA for All India Service Employees. |
Health A : | |
A1 : | 1. Projects/Schemes/Budget & allied matters related with Directorate of Health services, Food Safety & Drugs Control, Matters related with National Health Mission (NHM), Kerala Art Blood Bank, Honorarium to Asha workers, ANM (GIA to voluntary institutions), SUKRUTHAM SCHEME, Kerala State Aids Control Society, Kerala State Pharmacy Council, LA Questions/RTI, meetings relating the above subjects. |
A2 : | Schemes/Projects/Budget & Allied matters related with Directorate of Medical Education, Matters allowing funds to Kerala Heart Foundation, Endosulphan related, Miscellaneous papers related with Health-A, LA questions/RTI/Meetings relating the above subjects |
A3 : | Schemes/Project/Budget and allied matters relating to AYUSH Department. Fund release related with Grand-in-aid such as Kerala University of Health and Allied sciences (KUHS), Child Development Centre (CDC), Society for Rehabilitation of Cognitive & Communicative Disorders (ICCONS), Inter University Biomedical Research & Super Speciality Hospital (IUCBER), State Institute of Medical Education & Technology (SIMET), Indian Institute of Diabetes (IID), LA Questions, RTI & meetings in the above subjects. |
Health B : | |
B1 : | Post creation of Departments of AYUSH, Health Services, Medical Education, Indian System of Medicine, Homoeopathy and Grant-in-aid Institutions/Boards, autonomous institutions under the above departments and schemes. Continuance of posts in the above departments, delegation of powers, Special Rules, Tuition fee reimbursement and deputation benefits to medical officers. |
B2 : | Files regarding Pay, increment, Pay revision, Higher Grade, Advance increment, career advancement, option relating to the above departments/Institutions and subjects which are not specifically mention and miscellaneous subjects. |
Industries & PW A : | |
A1 : | Schemes relating to Mining & Geology Department, Creation of posts and their continuance relating to Industries Department, Mining & Geology, MVD, SWTD & Transport Department. Papers relating to pay & Allowances (Except Project and Investigation allowances) Leave, TA, Pension, arrear claims etc to the staff of Industries Department and Mining & Geology Department beyond the delegated powers of Administrative Department., Delegation to the officers of Industries Department, Purchase relating to MVD, SWTD, Mining & Geology department, Fund release to Kerala Road Safety Authority. All papers relating to Kochi Metro, Thiruvananthapuram International Airport, Kannur International Airport, Idukki Airport, Wayanad Airport, Aranmula Airport & Personal Rapid Transit system. |
A2 : | Establishment matter such as Pay and allowances, Leave, TA, Pension, Medical reimbursement, Arrear claims, deputation of Officers to foreign service, training etc relating to the staff of Public Works Department, Water Resources Department and Power Departments beyond the delegated powers of AD. |
A3 : | Schemes relating to Industries Department, Loans and grants and their rules, purchase & disposal of unserviceable articles, write off etc beyond the delegated powers of Administrative Department. All papers relating to High Speed Rail Corridor, Fund release of Emerging Kerala. Rebate files of Hantex and Hanveev, Working Group Meeting, State Level Committee Meeting on State Investment Subsidy, Journey sanction to officers for attending the DLC Meeting on State Investment Subsidy (for all districts), State Level Project Committee Meeting-Handloom & Textiles Meeting-KELTRAC Schemes related to Coir Industry, Proposal from DCD and modernization of CSFCS. Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpellation. |
Industries & PW B : | |
B1 : | Execution of works-contracts-Administrative Sanction for Roads and Bridges - take over of roads by Public Works Department- Court cases related to work-LAR Cases (Roads & Bridges). |
B2 : | Files relating to Tender-Tender Committee Meetings- Tender excess-files relating to Kerala Road Fund Board- revision of SOR, revision of wages in respect of workers in PWD and WRD based on SOR and all aspects relating to SOR, Court cases (OS, WPC, SLP etc) relating to tenders Delegation of Powers, purchase, execution of works (Buildings) Rent Committee Meeting Implementation of e-tendering in PWD and all Engineering departments â?? Clarification regarding execution of works by authorized agencies other than PWD, Modernization and Construction of Treasury Buildings. |
B3 : | Continuance sanction of temporary posts in Water Resources Department. Arbitration awards and LAR cases of Water Resources Department. Papers related to KSTP such as KSTP-Steering Committee Meeting, Empowered Committee Meeting, Fund release, Meeting on Pampa Action Plan. All papers related to Kerala Monorail Corporation Limited, RBDCK, RICK, KRFB, Administrative sanction for works related to WRD(MP), CSIN, ISWC which are being taken up by Chief Engineer(I&A), Regularization of CLR/SLR workers in PWD & WRD and their pay revision. Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpellation |
Inspection A : | |
A1 : | Process papers/Files in the nature of petitions/complaints and all other general issues Distribution of files/petitions to all sections of FIW(NT) Wing for inspection Conduct surprise inspection in government offices/autonomous bodies/PSU`s etc and other enquiries ordered by Ministers/other departments. Chalk out and co-ordinate monthly and other inspection programmes of all sections of FI (NT) Wing Conduct monthly/other meetings of Inspection Wing |
A2 : | Process papers/Files in the nature of petitions/complaints and all other general issues Conduct surprise inspection in government offices/autonomous bodies/PSU`s etc and other enquiries ordered by Ministers/other departments. Issue Identity cards to the officers of FIW and DFIO`s Issue of orders sanctioning the journeys in connection with inspection programmes of FIW |
A3 : | Process papers/Files in the nature of petitions/complaints and all other general issues Conduct surprise inspection in government offices/autonomous bodies/PSU`s etc and other enquiries ordered by Ministers/other departments. Attend all papers relating to RTI Act 2005 Conduct monthly/other meetings of DFI Squad Custodian of Vehicle inspection register for the section and supply of Stationery exclusively intended for FIW Collect all up to date government orders/instructions etc for the purpose of inspection and supply it to all inspection teams. Consolidate LA interpolations and allied matters |
Inspection B : | |
B1 : | Conducting surprise inspections in Various Government Departments & Government owned Public Undertakings across the State and conducting inspections upon directions from Ministers and Secretaries. Monitoring the Inspection activities of District Finance Inspection Squad, Kottayam. |
B2 : | Conducting surprise inspections in Various Government Departments & Government owned Public Undertakings across the State and conducting inspections upon directions from Ministers and Secretaries. Monitoring the Inspection activities of District Finance Inspection Squad, Earnakulam. Miscellaneous papers including L A interpolations |
Inspection Technical Wing : | |
C1 : | Files related to Finance Accounts, Administration, Agri Wings, Irrigation Projects, Harbour Engineering Department, Water Authority, Flood Relief Works and ASE works including remark files,Petitions and Works allotted to external agencies by Government and Establishment matters of this office. |
C2 : | Files related to Finance(Ind & PW) wings, and Petitions relating to PWD Roads & Bridges, Buildings, National Highways etc. |
C3 : | Files related to Finance-Development, PU wings and petitions relating to Local Bodies, Boards, Corporations, Rural Development department RLEGP/NREP files from various departments, all general matters, miscellaneous files and RTI cases. Files related to all other sections of Finance Department except the sections mentioned above Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation Files relating to subjects not mentioned in the above categories will be decided by CTE/ACTE on a case by case basis. |
Inspection D : | |
D1 : | Case relating to draft paras, Audit Report and recommendation of the PAC in respect of Inspection Reports of the Accountant General Review of quarterly progress of clearance of outstanding paras in the Inspection Report of Accountant General Routine Inspection of Government offices |
D2 : | Routine Inspection of Government offices and Special enquiries based on the orders of Principal Secretary (Finance) etc. on complaints from Public. Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Inspection E : | |
E1 : | Routine/Surprise inspection in Government offices and other Government entities like Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, Corporations etc as per the Tentative programme issued by Finance (Inspection- NT-A) Department and also conduct special enquiries and vehicle inspections periodically. Follow up action on Action Taken Report Matters relating to RTI Act. Approval of Tour programmes, vetting of Inspection Reports of District Finance Inspection Squad, Alappuzha and co-ordination and supervision of the activities of District Finance Inspection Squad, Alappuzha. |
E2 : | Routine/Surprise inspection in Government offices and other Government entities like Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, Corporations etc as per the Tentative programme issued by Finance (Inspection- NT-A) Department and also conduct special enquiries and vehicle inspections periodically. Follow up action on Action Taken Report Matters relating to RTI Act. Matters relating to L.A interpolation, Approval of Tour Programme of District Finance Inspection Squad, Kannur, vetting of Inspection Reports and co-ordination and supervision of the activities of the Squad. |
Inspection F : | |
F1 : | Routine/Surprise inspections in Government offices and other Government entities like Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies etc. as per the Tentative Programme issued by Finance (Inspection NT-A) Department and also conduct special enquiries and Vehicle inspections. General guidelines and orders on the use of Government vehicles. Follow up action on Action Taken Reports. Approval of Tour programmes, vetting of Inspection Reports of District Finance Inspection Squad, kozhikode and co-ordination and supervision of the activities of the District Finance Inspection Squad, kozhikode. |
F2 : | Routine/Surprise inspections in Government offices and other Government entities like Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies etc. as per the Tentative Programme issued by Finance (Inspection NT-A) Department and also conduct special enquiries and Vehicle inspections. Follow up action on Action Taken Reports. Approval of Tour programme of District Finance Inspection Squad, Palakkad vetting of inspection reports and co-ordination and supervision of the activities of the Squad. Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Inspection G : | |
G1 : | Routine/Surprise inspections in Government offices and other Government entities like Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, Corporations etc. as per the Tentative Programme issued by Finance (Inspection NT-A) Department and also conduct special enquiries and Vehicle inspections periodically. Follow up action on the copies of Inspection Reports of Accountant General relating to various departments, approval of Tour Programme, vetting of Inspection Reports of District Finance Inspection Squad, Wayanad and co-ordination and supervision of the activities of District Finance Inspection Squad, Wayanad also vests with Finance Inspection (NT-G1) Wing. |
G2 : | Routine/Surprise inspections in Government offices and other Government entities like Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies etc. as per the Tentative Programme issued by Finance (Inspection NT-A) Department and also conduct special enquiries and Vehicle inspections periodically. Approval of Tour Programme of District Finance Inspection Squad, Kasaragod, vetting of Inspection Reports and co-ordination and supervision of the activities of the Squad are also entrusted with Finance Inspection (NT-G2) Wing. Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Inspection H : | |
H1 : | Conduct surprise inspections in various Government offices/Autonomous bodies/PSUs etc. Preparation of Inspection reports and its follow up actions. Processing of tentative tour programmes and Inspection Reports forwarded by District Finance Inspecting Officer, Malappuram Processing of Tappal/Files received in the section |
H2 : | Conduct surprise inspections in various Government offices/Autonomous bodies/PSUs etc. Preparation of Inspection reports and its follow up actions. Processing of tentative tour programmes and inspection Reports forwarded by District Finance Inspecting Officer, Thiruvananthapuram Processing of Tappal/Files received in the section |
Inspection J : | |
J1 : | Enquiries and routine inspections in Govt. offices, Govt. stores, other Govt. properties, PSUs, LSGIs, Autonomous Bodies, Co-operative Institutions, etc. Work related to DFIO, Kollam Maintenance of office registers Inspection of Govt. vehicles |
J2 : | Enquiries and routine inspections in Govt. offices, Govt. stores, other Govt. properties, PSUs, LSGIs, Autonomous Bodies, Co-operative Institutions, etc. Inspection of Secret Fund of Police Department Inspection of Govt. vehicles Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Inspection K : | |
K1 : | Routine Inspection & monitoring of DFI Squad, Pathanmthitta |
K2 : | Routine Inspection & Monitoring of Reconciliation of Government Accounts and its follow up. Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Internal Audit Cell A : | |
A1 : | a)Monitoring & Supervision of Internal Audit of the following Departments. 1) Archives, 2) Economics & Statistics, 3) Employment & Training, 4)Enquiry Commissionerate, 5) Industrial Training, 6) Insurance Medical Service, 7) Land Revenue, 8) Monitory Welfare Department, 9) Police, 10) Public Works Department, 11) SC Development, 12) Stationery, 13) ST Development, 14) Tourism, 15) Urban Affairs. B) All General papers in connection with Internal Audit c) LA Interpolations |
A2 : | a)Monitoring & Supervision of Internal Audit of the following Departments. 1) Agriculture, 2) Animal Husbandry, 3) Archaeology, 4) Ayurveda Medical Education, 5) Chemical Examiner`s Lab, 6) Collegiate Education, 7) Commissionerate for Entrance Examinations, 8) Co-operation, 9) Dairy Development, 10) Environment & Climate Changes, 11) Excise, 12) Irrigation, 13) ISM, 14) Motor Vehicles, 15) Prisons, 16) Rural Development |
A3 : | a)Monitoring & Supervision of Internal Audit of the following Departments. 1) Backward Communities Development, 2) Culture, 3) Forest, 4) Health Services, 5) Kerala Transport Appellate Tribunal, 6) Labour, 7) Land Use Board, 8) Law Colleges, 9) Legal Meteorology, 10) Registration, 11) Sports & Youth Affairs, 12) State Insurance, 13) Technical Education, 14)Vigilance(V&ACB /Vigilance Tribunals), 15) Survey & Land Records |
Internal Audit Cell B : | |
IAC B1 : | a)Monitoring & Supervision of Internal Audit of the following Departments. 1) Advocate Generals Office, 2) Civil Supplies, 3) Coir Development, 4) Employment Service, 5) Factories and Boilers, 6) Fire and Rescue Service, 7) Fisheries, 8) Government Arbitrator, 9) Harbour Engineering, 10) Homoeopathy, 11) HR&CE, 12) KIRTARDS, 13) LFA, 14) Mining & Geology, 15) Museums & Zoo, 16) National Savings, 17) NCC, 18) Ports Department, 19) PRD, 20) Printing, 21) Prosecution, 22) Sainik Welfare, 23) Social Justice, 24) Soil Survey, 25) State Central Library, 26) State Water Transport. |
IAC B2 : | a)Monitoring & Supervision of Internal Audit of the following Departments. 1)Commercial Taxes, 2) Drugs Controller, 3) Electrical Inspectorate, 4) Food Safety, 5) General Education Department, 6) Ground Water Department, 7) Hand Loom & Textiles, 8) Higher Secondary Education, 9) Hydrographic Survey, 10) Industries & Commerce, 11) Industrial Tribunal, 12) Medical Education, 13) panchayat, 14) State Lotteries, 15) State Planning Board, 16) Town & Country Planning, 17)Treasuries, 18) Vocational Higher Secondary Education. |
CTFM : | |
CC-CTFM1 : | Function as faculty/assist the faculty in the staff training/development programmes. Facilitate study of the IT training requirements of Finance Department(Including that of IT division) and its Line Departments and develop modules, curriculum and training materials. Empanelment of faculty and Training Institutions. Arrange IT training programmes. All liaisons and management of all IT programmes conducted by Finance Department. Preparing programme schedules in consultation with DD/JD & faculty. Arrangement of food and other refreshments. Keep custody of training records such as attendance, feedbacks etc. Updation of software and website of CTFM. Translation of study materials. Issue of Certificates and keep the register. Management of Online Training Management System of CTFM. Keep the databank of Finance Department`s activities with historical data. LA Interpolations / RTI Act related matters. Any other duty subsequently assigned |
CC-CTFM2 : | Function as faculty/assist faculty in the staff training development programmes. Facilitate the study of the Non-IT training requirements of Finance Department (Including that of IT division) and its Line Departments and develop modules, curriculum and training materials. Liaison with all departments and institutions. All liaisons and management of Sponsored programmes including handling cash and accounts of sponsored programmes. Regularly obtain feedback from all courses and prepare analysis to improve future programmes. Personal follow up of files relating to civil works, electric works and electronic works with Public Works Department. Follow up of files regarding the procurement of land for CTFM. Maintain Stock Register of Learning kits, Study materials, Electronic, Electrical Furniture, binding equipment. Translation of study materials. Preparing Study kits for training programmes Any other duty subsequently assigned |
IT-Systems : | |
IT-S1 : | Oversee the proper maintenance of hardware and network installations in the Finance Department Arrange repair of hardware installed in the Finance Department Provide Support to training unit to conduct training programs in hardware purchase related subjects Assist Finance Inspection Wing, Internal Audit Sections and District Finance Squads to examine hardware purchase related investigations in Thiruvananthapuram, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Idukki, Thrissur, Kozhikkode and Kasargode districts Preparation of updated digital versions of all the rules/ codes/ manuals etc being maintained by Finance Department and arrange printing of hard copies and also to keep a library of such hardcopies for reference LA interpolations/ RTI Act related matters connected to IT-S 1 work distribution Function as faculty/assist faculty in training and development programmes related to the above subjects as and when required Keep a system Associates diary to record each day`s activities pertains to IT-S1 Prepare Half Yearly and Yearly review reports on the functioning of the Systems Unit. Half yearly reports may be prepared on or before 31st October and yearly reports on or before 30th April every year. Any other duty being subsequently assigned |
IT-S2 : | Facilitate hardware requirement studies for Finance and its Line Departments. Ensure that the Line Departments keep proper inventory of IT equipments as per rules Ensure proper use of IT Equipments/installations in the Line Departments The procurement ODF hardware for Finance Department and keep proper inventory Procure and upkeep the hardware for the common use of Finance Department such as heavy duty printers, LCD projector and screen, Laptops etc. Assist Finance Inspection Wing, Internal Audit Sections and District Finance Squads to examine hardware purchase related investigations in Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Ernakulam, Palakkad, Malappuram, Wayanad and Kannur districts Maintenance and upkeep of DPC building LA interpolations/ RTI Act related matters connected to IT-S2 work distribution Keep a System Associates diary to record each day`s activities pertains to IT-S2 Function as faculty/assist faculty in the Non-IT staff training/development programmes related to the above subjects as and when required |
IT-Software : | |
IT-SF1 : | Files received from Administrative Departments for technical opinion, Monitoring of the use of Application softwares by Finance Department. Files related to technical opinion on softwares developed by other agencies like NIC. Data analysis and review of offices/filings/user and grievance management in PRISM/eFUNDS/FIMS /SCORE; extraction of dumps from database and monthly reporting of progress. Upkeep of documentations related to PRISM/Pension Revision/eFUNDS/FIMS /SCORE/PRISMPLUS, ensuring backup of db and application at defined intervals. Maintenance of VM, firewall, security audit, antivirus validity, URL pointing, SSL validity, storage enhancement, and related support to users. E-mail management. Management and Follow up on the technical committee meetings. Translation /digitization and publication of codes/Manuals etc. Updation and publication of Following Codes /Manuals. Kerala Financial Code I & II. Kerala Treasury Code I & II. Kerala Public Works Account Code. Kerala Account Code I, II&III. Book of Major and Minor Heads. Book of Forms. Monitoring the Updation and publication of Following Codes /Manuals. Kerala Budget Manual. Book of Financial Powers I & II. Works related to official language. Assessment of requirement of different publications of Finance Department in liaison with Govt Presses, fixing of price of publications, LA interpellations, Court cases. Translation /digitization and publication of codes/Manuals etc Any other duty being subsequently assigned. |
IT-SF2 : | Files related to outsourcing of development/ maintenance of application software for Finance Department and its Line Departments and its take over at a suitable time. Wages of programmers/ Technical Support Staff /Data entry operators on contract/daily wages. Files related to administration of day-to-day works of the division including electricity, water, telephone, leased lines etc. Files seeking advice of Director (Information Systems) from other sections/Departments. Files related to Rebuild Kerala, creation of Social registry etc. License management and Version control. Bringing in new technology – AI, RPA, Edge computing, Block chain, LoT,Machine learning etc.Upkeep of technical documents related to System and security audit of e-governance applications. Files related to implementation support/ project administration e-governance activities of Line Departments. Assist Finance Inspection Wing, Internal Audit Sections and District Finance Squads to examine software development/ purchase related investigations in Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Ernakulam, Palakkad, Malappuram, Wayanad and Kannur districts. LA interpellations/ RTI Act. Establishment works related to IT Software Division. |
IT-SF3 : | Works related to the Development and maintenance of official website in Finance Department, KIIFB and Pay Revision Commission.Restoration of data from backup. Files received from the sections in Finance Department for technical opinion. Testing and deployment of application software. RTI matters. Data analysis, review user/grievance management of VEELS/FAMS/GIMS/MIST database and monthly reporting of progress. Upkeep of documentations related to VEELS/FAMS/GIMS/MIST, ensuring backup of db and applications at defined intervals. Maintenance of VM, security audit, antivirus validity, URL pointing, SSL validity, storage enhancement, and related support to users. Any other duty being subsequently assigned. Files related recruitment of temporary Programmers/technical support on contract/daily wages. email management. Work-study, preparation of DFD related to new projects assigned. Evaluation of projects and reporting. Upkeep of stock of hardware in the Division. Files related to new technologies being adopted in the Division and related activities. Files related to maintenance of SMS gateway, DLT platform, template creation and renewal. |
IT-SF4 : | Digitization of records in the Department. Data analysis and review of offices in MEDISEP database and monthly reporting of progress. Upkeep of documentations related to MEDISEP/MCare, ensuring backup of db and applications at defined intervals. Maintenance of VM, security audit, antivirus validity, URL pointing, SSL validity, storage management, enhancement and related support to users. User/grievance management of applications. Verification of data before handing over to Insurance Company. Verification and monitoring of different APIs used. Analysis of Pensioners data and their dependent data and that of the employee data. email management. Files related to Finance Inspection Wing, Internal Audit Sections and District Finance Squads to examine software development/ purchase related investigations in Thiruvananthapuram, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Idukki, Thrissur, Kozhikkode and Kasargode districts. Works related to the Precautions to protect Finance Departments IT installations from hacking, cyber terrorism, computer virus/ worm attacks etc and establish Crisis Management Plan following guidelines of state and central IT departments. LA interpellations/ RTI Act related matters connected to IT- Keep Software. Any other duty being subsequently assigned. |
Infrastructure (KIIFB) : | |
FA1 : | null |
FA2 : | null |
FA3 : | null |
Loans : | |
L1 : | 1. Issuing order of Adhoc Bonus/Special Festival Allowance for Government Servants and Pensioners. 2. Offering remarks in files from all Administrative Departments relating to Adhoc Bonus/Special Festival Allowance. 3. Medical Re-imbursement claims from Administrative Departments except those dealt in L2, L3 and L4 Seat, Miscellaneous files. |
L2 : | 1 Budget Estimate preparation, SDG, Additional Authorisation, Re- Appropriation in respect of following Head of accounts; a) 7610-203-99-Advance for the purchase of other conveyance. b) 7610-00-800-99-Advance for the purchase of Mosquito net to Government Employees. c) 7610-00-800-95(01) IFMA-Gazetted Officers d) 7610-00-800-95(02) IFMA Non Gazetted Officers e) 7610-00-800-90-Advance to Class IV Employees to meet marriage Expenses of their daughters. f) 7610-00-800-91(Aided)-IFMA to Aided employees g) 2075-00-795-90-PCA Write off h) 2075-00-795-93-IFMA Write off i) 2075-00-795-94-marriage advance write off j) 2075-00-795-97-MCA Write off 2. MR claims â?? General Education Department 3. Right to Information, LA Interpolation files 4. Subject Committee â?? Data preparation 5. Excess remittance of MCA, PCA 6. Write off MCA, Marriage Advance, PCA 7. Sanctioning Marriage Advance, Mosquito Net Advance, Cycle Advance |
L3 : | 1. Files related to MR claims of the employees working in the SC/ST Development Department, Water Resources Department, Panchayat Department (Except their own fund) 2. Files related to IFMA of the employees working in various departments 3. Files related with regularising and controlling the head of account of IFMA 4. Files related to the settlement of IFMA. 5. Files related to IFMA write off |
Nodal Centre A : | |
A1 : | Conducting SLEC meeting on NABARD -RIDF schemes, convened by the Chief Secretary Obtaining Detailed Project Reports on the basis of SLEC meeting. Initial Scrutiny of these Detailed Projects with respect to the guidelines issued in Circular No.37/2009/Fin dated 06.05.2009 Obtaining and upkeep of sanction letters from NABARD for future reference Signing and forwarding of Time Promissory Note (TPN) by Finance Department Crediting of e-payments from NABARD, Repayment of Principal amount, payment of interest to NABARD and all other relevant matter regarding these accounts including maintenance of records in this connection Reconciliation of departmental figures of receipt and expenditure with that booked by the AG and related account rectification Preparation of Budget Estimates All other miscellaneous papers relating to RIDF of NABARD Accounting and recording of loan releases against reimbursement claims and start-up advances released from NABARD, department-wise and Tranche-wise and to provide necessary details to other sections of NC for processing files and to prepare presentation for SLEC meeting Matters related to issuing of Administrative Sanction to projects sanctioned under RIDF |
A2 : | Receiving and verifying of reimbursement claims (in part and full) pertaining to the following Departments not only to the current Tranche but also of the previous Tranches which are not closed yet and also recommending the same to NABARD Agriculture Animal Husbandry Co-operation LSGD Fisheries & Ports Coastal & Inland Navigation Forest Industries Information Technology Power Releasing the eligible loan amount (plus states share) to the implementing Departments/Agencies Communication with Budget Wing regarding issuance of LoC in respect of NABARD Works Periodical Monitoring and cross checking of updated data in the web based software for NABARD-RIDF projects and forward the same to higher officers for authentication (after developing the software by NIC) All general papers regarding the above department This section has to undertake works of similar nature pertaining to new Departments which will come under the purview of RIDF in future |
A3 : | Receiving and verifying of reimbursement claims (in part and full) pertaining to the following Departments not only to the current Tranche but also of the previous Tranches which are not closed yet and also recommending the same to NABARD Food & civil Supplies PWD(R&B) General Education Higher Education KLDC Tourism Social Welfare Kerala State Warehousing Corporation Water Resources Releasing the eligible loan amount (plus states share) to the above Departments/Agencies Communication with Budget Wing regarding issuance of LoC in respect of the above works. All papers relating to AG other than reconciliation of departmental figures of receipt and expenditure with that booked by the AG and related account rectification Updating the database in the Software application |
A4 : | Proposal regarding Tender excess of RIDF projects Cost escalation proposals in respect of RIDF project Court cases in respect of RIDF projects Supervision charges, quality control, subsidy/Cent age charges of RIDF works All the proposals of EAP (Externally Aided Projects) All other miscellaneous papers Collection and upkeep of Up-to-date details of on going and new externally aided projects with assistance from JICA, World Bank,ADB, etc Handling project completion Report RTI Act and LA questions regarding EAP`s |
Nodal Centre B : | |
B1 : | Co-ordination and monitoring of the Special Development Scheme for MLAs. Issuing general instructions to all planning and implementing agencies at State/District level to co-operate and to implement the projects referred to them under SDF of MLAs Allotment of funds to all the District Collectors Receiving and processing petitions if any regarding the irregularities on the MLA-SDF works Reconciliation of departmental figures with the Accountant General relating to SDF for MLAs preparing monthly statement of balance of SDF for MLAs in the Treasury Savings Bank Account maintained by the District Collectors Field inspection of the Projects under development schemes All other miscellaneous papers relating to SDF of MLAs like O.Ps, RTI, PAC Recommendations. |
B2 : | Processing of files related to works under LAC-ADF for the districts of Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta and issuing financial concurrence with reference to guidelines issued under the scheme. L.A Question, Questions under Right to Information Act and Court cases and other miscellaneous matters Issuing necessary guidelines under LAC-ADF whenever required |
B3 : | Processing of files related to works under LAC-ADF for the districts of Alapuzha, Kottayam, Idukki, Ernakulam and issuing financial concurrence with reference to guidelines issued under the scheme. Monitoring of fund allocation and maintenance of appropriation control register Reconciliation of expenditure with the book of Accountant General and maintenance of accounts Preparation of monthly statement and conduct Monitoring committee meeting. Monitoring of Audit Report of various agencies, PAC recommendation, subject committee and other Committee reports Inspection identified works sites and offices pertaining to LAC-ADF in all Districts |
Nodal Centre C : | |
C1 : | Processing of files related to works under LAC-ADF of the districts of Malappuram, Wayanad, Kasargod and issuing financial concurrence with reference to guidelines issued under the scheme. LA Questions, Right to Information, PAC Report, Subject Committee and other committee reports in this regard and miscellaneous. |
C2 : | Processing of files related to works under LAC-ADF of the districts of Kozhikkode & Palakkad and issuing financial concurrence with reference to guidelines issued under the scheme. LA Questions, Right to Information, PAC Report, Subject Committee and other committee reports in this regard and miscellaneous. |
PAC - A : | |
A1 : | 1. Papers relating to the PAC Meetings 2. Follow up action on the implementation of recommendations of Central PAC relating to Finance Department 3. Action on the implementation of recommendations of Central PAC 4. Distribution of list of pending recommendations of PAC received from AG and Legislature Secretariat 5. General Papers on PAC 6. Convening AMC meeting of Finance Department. 7. Convening of Apex Committee meeting of Chief Secretary |
A2 : | 1. Draft Papers of (Civil, Revenue Receipts, Commercial and State Finances) in respect of all Departments 2. Tendering advice on matters regarding draft paras referred to this Department. 3. Circulation of the Reports of C&AG, Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts for the approval of the Governor and placing the same to the Kerala Legislative Assembly 4. Watching of the preparation of notes on Audit paras by the concerned sections in the Finance Department and furnishing the same to Legislature Secretariat 5. Distributions of C&AG Report, Civil, Revenue Receipts, Commercial and State Finances 6. Answers to LA Questions and RTI Act |
A3 : | 1. Papers relating to the Appropriation Accounts 2. Scrutiny of notes for regularization of excess of all Administrative Departments 3. Preparation of Annual Performance Report pertaining to Finance Department under Subject Committee VIII 4. Papers relating to the meeting of Subject Committee 5. Follow up action on furnishing of notes on Demands for Grants coming under Subject Committee VIII 6. Deputation of Officers from Finance Department to Subject Committee Meetings 7. General papers on Subject Committee 8. Follow up action on preparation and furnishing of notes for regularization of excess expenditure and notes on savings pertaining to Finance department 9. Tendering advice on matters regarding regularization of excess referred to this Department by the various Administrative Departments and Sections in Finance Department. 10. Distribution of Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts |
PAC - B : | |
B1 : | Distribution of consolidated report of Local Fund Audit Director, report of Local Funds Accounts Committee, report of C&AG on Local Self Government Institutions to the sections concerned and its follow up action |
B2 : | Distribution of Legislature Committee reports except P.A.C, Report of Committee on Public Under takings, report of C&AG on Public Under takings, Report of C&AG on Finance Accounts of the state. |
Pensioners' Welfare Cell : | |
A1 : | Agriculture, Co-operation, Forest & Wild Life, Store purchase, Social Welfare, SC & ST Department, N.S.D. Insurance, Local Fund Audit, Irrigation, Power, Housing, Planning & Economic Affairs Department, Election. Miscellaneous - Kollam , Palakkad, Wayanad, Kozhikkode, Kasaragod |
A2 : | Higher Education, Science Technology and Environment, Cultural Affairs, Public Relations, Local Administration Department, General Administration Department, Finance, Law, Home, Labour and Rehabilitation and Non-resident Keralites. Miscellaneous - Pathanamthitta, Alapuzha, Kannur, Idukki |
A3 : | General Education (All districts ) Revenue, Rural Development, Taxes, Health & Family welfare, Treasuries, Transport, PWD, P&ARD, Vigilance, Fisheries and Ports, Food & civil Supplies, Industries. Miscellaneous - Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Kottayam, Thrissur, Malappuram |
Provident Fund : | |
PF 1 : | General Provident Fund(K) Rules - Amendment - clarifications and allied subjects - Interpolations - Subject Committee, etc |
PF 2 : | Part-time contingent Employees provident Fund â?? clarification Amendment - Interpolations â?? Appropriation Account etc. Maintain data base of Public Sector Undertakings/Quasi PSUs/Autonomous Institutions etc which have introduced EPF for their employees and track the deduction details every month through computer network. |
Pay Reserch Unit (PRU) : | |
PRU 1 : | Option / re-option in respect of all Pay Revisions of the following Department : 1. Education (General, Higher Secondary & Vocational Higher Secondary Education) Department 2. Commissionerate of Entrance Examinations 3. Enquiry Commissioner & Special Judge 4. State Planning Board 5. Factories and Boilers 6. Law Colleges 7. NCC 8. Printing 9. State Central Library 10. State Lotteries 11. Tourism 12. Culture. |
PRU 2 : | DA/DR Revisions, Interim Relief option / re-option related to all Pay Revisions in respect of the following Departments : 1. Advocate General Office 2. Agriculture 3. Animal Husbandry 4. Archaeology 5. Assistant Public Prosecutors 6. Dairy Development 7. Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment (Administration) 8. Housing 9. Industrial Training 10. Kerala Lokayuktha 11. Industries and Commerce 12. Judiciary 13. Labour 14. Labour Courts 15. Land Use Board 16. Land Revenue 17. Local Fund Audit 18. Museums and Zoo 19. National Employment Service 20. National Savings 21. Information & Public Relations 22. Public Service Commission 23. Secretariat 24. Social Welfare 25. Soil Conservation 26. State Archives 27. Scheduled Caste Development 28. Scheduled Tribe Development 29. Vigilance and Anti Corruption Bureau 30. All Tribunals 31. Economics & Statistics 32. Survey and Land Records. |
PRU 3 : | Option / re-option in respect of all Pay Revisions of the following departments : 1. Ayurveda Medical Education 2. Co-operation 3. Drug Control 4. Electrical Inspectorate 5. Fisheries 6. Forest 7. Ground Water 8. Harbour Engineering 9. Health Services 10. Homoeo Medical Colleges 11. Homoeopathy 12. Hydrographic Survey 13. Insurance Medical Service 14. Indian System of Medicine 15. KIRTADS 16. Medical Education 17. Mining and Geology 18. Motor Vehicles 19. Municipal Administration 20. Panchayat 21. Port 22. PWD 23. Registration 24. Rural Development 25. Sainik Welfare 26. Legal Metrology 27. Police 28. Prisons 29. Treasuries 30. Fire Force 31. Chemical Examiner`s Laboratory 32. Food & Civil Supplies Departments 33. Municipal Common Service 34. Urban Affairs 35. Collegiate & Technical Education 36. Excise 37. Irrigation 38. LSG (Engineering Wing) 39. Sports & Youth Affairs 40. State Insurance 41. State Water Transport 42. stationery 43. Town & Country Planning 44. Commercial Taxes. |
PRC A : | |
General : | Individual and general issues relating to 1997 Pay Revisions (all except those allotted to PRU and PRC-B sections) in addition to existing works allotted as per office order No.94927/Admn.A2/12/Fin dated 23.11.2012. Time bound Higher grade and connected re-option. |
A1 : | Higher grade relating to the common categories of posts, Ayurveda/Homoeopathy College, Board of Revenue, co-operation, Co-operative Tribunals, Health Services, Medical Education, Homoeopathy/ISM Departments, Museums and Zoos, Tourism, Rural Development, Insurance, Medical services, Sree Chithra Art Gallery, Soil Conservation, SC Development, ST Development, Water Resources. General clarification relating to higher grade for Non-gazetted officers, Ground Water Department, Cultural publications, KIRTADS, Land Use Board, Archeology. |
A2 : | Higher grade relating to Vigilance, Viglance Tribunal, Archeology, Assistant Public Prosecutor, Advocate General`s Office, Calicut Development Authority,Chemical examiners Laboratory, Drugs Control, Electrical Inspectorate, Economics and Statistics, Fisheries Department, Forest Department, Fire Force, Factories and Boilers, Hydrographic Survey, Harbour Engineering, Industries and Commerce, Industrial Tribunals, Judiciary, Local Fund Audit,Legal Meteorology, Labour /Labour Courts, Mining and Geology, Motor Vehicles, NCC, National Savings, National Employment Service, Police Department, Ports, Prisons, Public Relations, State Insurance, State Planning Board, Secretariat, Sports and Youth Affairs, State Lotteries, TRIDA, Social Welfare, KSFDC, Animal Husbandry, Excise, Agriculture, Diary, Local Bodies, Commission of Enquiries, Enquiry commissioner & Special Judge, Panchayat, Town Planning, Administration, Taxes, food & Civil Supplies Department, Sainik Welfare, Industrial Training. |
A3 : | Higher Grade relating to : Collegiate Education, Technical Education,, State Central Library, Commissioner for Government examinations, Housing, Kerala Gazetters, Kerala Transport Appellate Tribunal, Public Service Commission, Printing, State Archieves, Stationery, Treasuries, Time Bound Higher grade related to Librarians. Non cadre promotion to teaching staff in the institutions under Director of Technical Education All other miscellaneous items of work Higher Grade relating to teaching and non- teaching staff of the Education Department |
PRC B : | |
General : | 1. Individual and general issues relating to Pay Revision 1988, all Pay revision Prior to 1988 and Pay revision 2004 2. Allowances ( All Pay revisions) 3. Ratio Promotion ( All Pay revisions) 4. Re-designation of Posts |
B1 : | 1. Agriculture, 2. Animal Husbandry, 3. Dairy, 4. Co-operation, 5. Co-operative Tribunal, 6. Rural development, 7. Board of Revenue, 8. State Central Library, 9. Health services, 10.Chemical examiner`s Laboratory, 11.Medical Education, 12.Ayurveda/Homoeo Colleges, 13.Homoeopathy/ISM Department, 14.Insurance Medical College, 15.Museums & Zoos, 16.Sree Chithra Art Gallery, 17.Soil Conservation, 18.Common Categories of Posts, 19.Scheduled Caste Development, 20.Scheduled Tribe Development, 21.Taxes Department, 22.Tourism, 23.vigilance, 24.Vigilance Tribunal, 25.Excise Department. |
B2 : | 1.APP, 2.Advocate General`s Office, 3.Secretariat, 4.Drugs Control, 5.Electrical Inspectorate, 6.Economic & Statistics, 7.Public Relations, 8.Fisheries, 9.Forest, 10.Ports, 11.Police, 12.Ground Water, 13.Hydrographic Survey, 14.Harbour Engineering, 15.State Insurance, 16.State Lotteries, 17.State Planning Board, 18.Fire Force, 19.Industrial & Commerce, 20.NCC, 21.Motor Vehicles, 22.Public Service Commission, 23.National Employment Services, 24.Labour/ Labour Courts, 25.Local Fund Audit, 26.Factories & Boilers, 27.Mining & Geology, 28.Judiciary, 29.Industrial Tribunals, 30.National Savings, 31.Sports & Youth Affairs, 32.Water Transport, 33.Ways & Means. |
B3 : | 1.Cultural Publications, 2.Commissions of Enquiry, 3.Enquiry Commission & Special Judge, 4.Municipal Administration, 5.Panchayat, 6.Land Use Board, 7.Local Bodies, 8.PWD, 9.Irrigation, 10.Government Arbitrator, 11.Housing, 12.Kerala Transport Appellate Tribunal, 13.KIRTADS, 14.H.R & C.E, 15.Registration, 16.Sainik Welfare, 17.Social Welfare, 18.Archeology, 19.Printing, 20.Stationery, 21.Treasuries, 22.Town Planning, 23.Kerala Gazetters, 24.Education (including General, Technical and Law Colleges), 25.Commissioner for Government Examinations, 26.State Archieves, 27.Industrial Training. |
PRC C : | |
General : | null |
C1 : | 1. Industries and Commerce. 2. Taxes 3. Power 4. Public Work 5. Water Resources |
C2 : | 1. Health & Family Welfare & Ayush 2. Information & Parliamentary Affairs 3. AICTE, UGC and State revisions of proposals of DHS, DME, ISM, Homoeo and other related institutions. |
C3 : | 1. Higher Education 2. General Education 3. Technical Education Department 4. AICTE, UGC and State revision related to these Departments |
PRC D : | |
D1 : | Rectification of anomalies related to 9th Pay Commission Report 2009 1.Education:- collegiate Education b. General Education c.Higher Secondary Education d.Technical Education e.Vocational Higher Secondary Education f.Commissionerate of Entrance Examination 2. Health Services 3.Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowment 4.Homoeopathy Department 5.Homoeopathy Medical Colleges 6.Housing (Technical ) Cell 7.Hydrographic Survey 8.Indian systems of Medicine 9.Medical Education 10.Ayurveda Medical Education 11.Insurance Medical Services 12.National Cadet Crops 13.National Employment Services 14.National Savings 15.Excise 16.Forest 17.Prisons 18.Ports 19.Printing 20.Public Works 21.Harbour Engineering 22.Registration 23.Rural Development 24.Sainik Welfare 25.Scheduled Caste Development 26.Scheduled Tribe Development 27.Social Welfare |
D2 : | Rectification of anomalies related to 9th Pay Commission Report 2009 1.Raj Bhavan 2.Legislature Secretariat 3.Government Secretariat (a) Administrative Secretariat (b) Finance Secretariat (c) Law Secretariat (d) Kerala House 4.Local Fund Audit 5.Kerala Public Service Commission 6.Advocate General`s Office 7.Industrial Training 8.Industries and Commerce 9.Information and Public Relations 10.Irrigation 11.Judiciary (Subordinate staff) 12.KIRTADS 13.Labour 14.Labour courts 15.Ground water 16.Sports and Youth Affairs 17.State Archives 18.State Central Library 19.State Insurance 20.State Lotteries 21.State Planning Board 22.State Water Transport 23.Stationery 24.Survey and Land Records 25.Tourism 26.Town and Country Planning 27.Treasury 28.Municipal Common Service 29.Panchayat 30.Urban Affairs 31.Vigilance and Anti Corruption Bureau 32.Water Appellate Authority 33.Agriculture Income Tax and Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal 34.Industrial Tribunals 35.Kerala Co-operative Tribunal 36.Kerala State Transport Appellate Tribunal 37.Tribunal for Local Self Government Institutions 38.University Appellate Tribunal 39.Vigilance Tribunal 40.Career Advancement Schemes 41.Police |
D3 : | Rectification of anomalies related to 9th Pay Commission Report 2009 1.Agriculture 2.Animal Husbandry 3.Archeology 4.Chemical Examiners`s Laboratory 5.Civil Supplies 6.Commercial Taxes 7.Co-operation 8.Culture 9.Dairy Development 10.Directorate of Prosecutions 11.Drugs control department 12.Economic and Statistics 13.Factories and Boilers 14.Fisheries 15.land Board 16.Land Revenue 17.land Use Board 18.Law Colleges 19.Legal Metrology 20.Local Self Government Engineering Wing 21.Lok Ayukta 22.Mining and Geology 23.Motor Vehicles 24.Museums and Zoos 25.Soil Conservation 26.Universities 27. Miscellaneous Subjects |
Pension A : | |
A1 : | Sanctioning of pensionary claims in respect of Heads of the following Departments a) Agriculture b) Industries and Commerce c) Animal Husbandry d) Diary Development e) Fisheries f) Harijan Welfare g) Education (DPI, DTE, DCE) h) Treasury i) Principals of Law Colleges. Pension papers of Government owned companies and sanctioning of commutation of pension in respect of the above Sanctioning pensionary claim in respect of IFS Officers and Chairman and Members of PSC, Sanction of Interest due to delayed payment of pensionary benefits |
A2 : | Sanctioning of pensionary claims in respect of Heads of the following Departments a) Health b) Police c) Hydrological Department d) Lotteries e) Public Works Department f) Water resources Department g) Revenue h) Labour i) Indigenous Medicine j) Factories & Boilers Commutation of pension in respect of the above Sanctioning pension to IPS Officers Revalidation Pensionary proposals in respect of Judicial Service |
A3 : | Sanctioning of pensionary claims in respect of officers of (Joint Secretary and above) in GAD, Finance and Law Department Sanctioning of pension to IAS Officers Sanctioning of pensionary claims in respect of Heads of the following Departments a) Archeology b) Transport Sanctioning of Commutation of pension in respect of the above All papers relating to Budget Freedom Fighters Pension Proposals/requests for Family Pension |
A4 : | Implementation of New Pension Scheme for All India Service Officers(Kerala Cadre) recruited on or after 01.01.2004 (rendering, advise and remarks on clarification, conducting meetings and issuing Government Orders regarding the same)regarding the job related with PRISM. |
A5 : | null |
Pension B : | |
B1 : | Furnishing remarks to files from Finance (Agri-A,B,C) Department, Finance (Development) Department, Finance (Welfare Wing) Department. Examination & furnishing of reply to letters coming from Govt. of India, other State Govts., Accountant General & Autonomous bodies, Kerala Public Service Commission & other Commissions. Preparation of Pension revision orders (State &UGC), Examination of petitions involving policy decisions, Preparation of Hand Book on Pension. LA Interpolation, Right to Information |
B2 : | All petitions from Kerala Lok Ayukta, Kerala Administrative Tribunal, High Court & Supreme Court. |
B3 : | Furnishing remarks to all files except those mentioned against other seats |
B4 : | Amendment of KSR Part III Preparation of Action Taken Report in respect of Legislature Sub Committees and matters relating simplification of Pension Rules. Furnishing remarks to files from Finance (Pension Welfare Cell) Department. |
NPS Cell : | |
A1 : | Forward proposals relating to policy issues pertain to NPS to Finance (Pension-A) Department Issue necessary clarifications/guidelines to subscribers on the issue of investments in consultation with PFRDA and NSDL Ensure sufficient budget allocation under the head of accounts pertains to service charges and forward budget proposals in time. Interacts with NSDL/PFRDA/NPS Trust in issues in respect of NPS transactions and resolve the issues if necessary. Prepare and issue user manuals for Treasury Officers and DDOs in consultation with NIC & SPARK. Periodic inspection of concerned offices coming under NPS architecture. Payment of CRA â?? Service charges Reactivation of PRAN in respect of State Government Employee NPS subscribers. Despatch the PRAN â?? kit received from NSDL and collect the despatch details of the PRAN â?? kit of NPS subscribers. Conducting periodic meeting related to NPS issues in State Government Departments. Provide guidance and training to treasury officials and subscribers. Ensure sufficient budget allocation under the head of account pertaining to compassionate allowance. |
A2 : | Process and forward grievances received from the State Govt employees, SABs, DTOs/DDOs to the CRA and facilities redressal there upon. Facilitate the registration of DDO/DTO and the subscriber with CRA. Deactivation of PRAN in respect of state Government Employees and SABs. Reprint PRAN card of State Government Employees. Conducting periodic meeting in connection with the implementation of NPS in SABs. Registration of SABs in NPS. Remarks to the files from Finance and Administrative Department. Issuing remarks to all tappals from SABs. |
A3 : | Process and forward grievances received from the All India Service Officers to the CRA and facilitate redressal thereupon. Realisation of backlog contribution of All India Service Officers. Legislative Assembly Interpolation Handle Right to Information Application in respect of NPS. Court cases related to NPS. Miscellaneous papers relating NPS. Proposal related to the distribution of compassionate monetary benefits related to NPS employees. |
A4 : | null |
A5 : | null |
A6 : | null |
Performance Budget A : | |
PB A1 : | a. Preparation of Performance Budget of Forest & Wild Life Department b. Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Schemes of Forest & Wild Life Department c. Development, Maintenance and Management of Website related to Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Schemes (CEMS) |
PB A2 : | a. Preparation of Performance Budget of Agriculture Department. b. Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Schemes of Agriculture Department. c. L.A Interpolation |
PB A3 : | a. Preparation of Performance Budget of Public Works Department. b. Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Schemes of Public Works Department c. Miscellaneous papers. |
PSA & Information : | |
PSA 1 : | Collection of L.A Questions from the question branch of the Legislature Secretariat Distribution of the questions to the Sections concerned and to collect the prepared answers for furnishing to Legislature Collection of cut out assurance from the Assembly proceedings relating to Finance Department from the General Administration (L.A cell) Department and to distribute the same to the concerned sections. Furnishing information on all general L.A Interpolation to the General Administration Department and the Legislature Secretariat Assurance Implementation desk and proceeding of Digital Signature certificate. Collection and consolidation of reply of L.A questions from all sections |
Information 1 : | Collecting the details from the concerned Sections and furnishing the information to the applicant under the Right to Information Act 2005 and follow up action (Appeal) (Application dated 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,& 31) |
Information 2 : | Collecting the details from the concerned Sections and furnishing the information to the applicant under the Right to Information Act 2005 and follow up action (Appeal) (Application dated 2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,& 29) |
Information 3 : | Collecting the details from the concerned Sections and furnishing the information to the applicant under the Right to Information Act 2005 and follow up action (Appeal) (Application dated 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,& 30) |
PU A : | |
A1 : | 1. All papers relating to Kerala Financial Corporation including agenda notes and papers relating to the Board Meeting of Kerala Financial Corporation 2. Proposals relating to Kerala State Warehousing Corporation and Kerala Co-operative Central Land Mortgage Bank. 3. Miscellaneous petition related to Kerala Financial Corporation including WPs 4. Furnishing reply to Legislature Committee and C&AG Reports |
A2 : | 1. All files related to Kerala State Electricity Board and Kerala Power Finance Corporation form Power Department, Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission. 2. All files related to Kerala State Road Transport Corporation and Kerala Transport Development Finance Corporation from Transport Department 3. Collection of dividend and interest on share and debentures and crediting to state Government account 4. Notification relating to Institute of Chartered Accountants. |
A3 : | 1. All proposals including Agenda notes of Board Meeting relating to (I) Cochin International Airport Ltd, (ii) Kerala Shipping and Inland Navigation Corporation Ltd, (iii) Kerala State Construction Corporation Ltd, (iv) Kerala State Coastal Area Development Corporation Ltd, Land Acquisition of Karipur Airport 2. Proposals relating to Agricultural Refinance Development Corporation (ARDC) loans 3. Preparation of statement No.14 regarding investment of Government in Public Sector Undertakings, Companies etc and related papers 4. PAC and PUC papers of PSUs including PUC meeting 5. All individual petitions related to Kerala Financial Corporation 6. Transfer of shares in respect of all Public Sector undertaking 7. Maintenance of share, debenture and dividend registers and preparation of budget proposals relating to dividend and interest. |
PU B : | |
B1 : | Cases relating to ... 1. Kerala Agro-Industries Corporation 2. Kerala Livestock Development Board 3. Plantation Corporation of Kerala Ltd 4. Oil Palm India Ltd 5. Kerala Agro Fruit Products Ltd 8. Kerala State Horitcultural Production Development Corporation Ltd 6. Kerala Land Development Corporation 7. Kerala State Wood Industries Ltd 8. Meat products of India Ltd 9. State Agricultural Prices Board (SAPB) (one file) 10. Kerala Medical Service Corporation Ltd 11. Kerala Agro machinery Corporation Ltd 12. Nomination to the Board of directors. 13. Kerala Verterinary & Animal Science University. |
B2 : | Papers relating to Indo-mercantile Bank, Central Banking Corporation (under liquidation) official liquidator and miscellaneous papers relating to banks. All papers relating to: 1. Kerala State Horitcultural Production Development Corporation Ltd,2. Kerala Feeds Ltd 3. Kerala Health Research and Welfare Society 4. Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation 5. Coconut Development Corporation 6. Kerala State Poultry Development Corporation Ltd 7. Kerafed 8. Premo Pipe Factory 9. Pharmaceutical Corporation (IM) 10. Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board 11. Kerala State Horitcultural Production Development Corporation Ltd |
B3 : | 1. Preparation of Statement of Government Guarantees, Budget Estimate, Appendix IV 2. All papers relating to renew the Government guarantee/Fresh Government guarantee 3. Maintenance of registers of Government Guarantee 4. Kerala Agricultural University 5. Kerala Forest Development Corporation |
PU C : | |
C1 : | Cases relating to .... Kerala Water Authority (KWA) Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) NORKA (Norka Welfare Fund Board) Malabar Cancer Centre Society (MCC) Kerala Police Housing Construction Corporation Ltd (KPH & CC) Energy Management Centre (EMC) Kerala Rural Water Supply Agency (KRWSA/Jalanidhi) Kerala Irrigation Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd NORKA - ROOTS All general questions relating to Public sector undertaking like Pay revision, TA, DA, HRA, Conveyance Allowance etc.. |
C2 : | Rajiv Gandhi Academy of Aviation Technology (RAGAAT) Kerala Urban and Rural Development Finance Corporation (KURDFC) Kerala State Film Development Corporation (KSFDC) Kerala State Financial Enterprises(KSFE) Kerala Books and Publication Society (KBPS) Kerala Maritime Development Corporation (KMDC) Kerala State Beverages Corporation (KSBC) Chicops, Travancore Surgicals & Chemicals Ltd, Malabar Distilleries Ltd Kerala Women`s Development Corporation (KWDC) ANERT Centre for development studies (CDS) Centre for development imaging Technology (C-DIT) Kerala State Biodiversity Board |
C3 : | Kerala State Housing Board (KSHB) Kerala State Ex-Servicemen Development and Rehabilitation Corporation (KEXCON) Overseas Development and Employment Promotion Consultants Ltd (ODEPC) Kerala State Development Corporation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Ltd (KSDCSCST) Kerala State Development Corporation for Christian Converts from SC and the Recommended communities LTD (KSDCCCRCL) Kerala State Backward Classes Development Corporation (KSBCDC) Kerala School Teachers and Non-Teachers Staff Corporation (KST & NSC) Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies (KITTS) Kerala Tourism Development Corporation (KTDC) Bekel Resorts Development Corporation (BRDC) Kerala Tourism Infrastructure Limited (KTIL) Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities (KSWCFC) Kerala State Minority Development Finance Corporation Kerala State Housing Development Finance Corporation Aralam Farming Corporation (Kerala)Ltd Thenmala Eco-Tourism Promotion Society (TEPS) Muziris Project Ltd Kerala State Pottery (Manufacturing, Marketing & Welfare) Development Corporation |
C4 : | Institute of Management in Government (IMG) Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) Centre for Water Resources Development and Environment (CWRDM) Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC) Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI) Centre for Earth Science Studies (CESS) Kerala School of Mathematics (KSOM) Kerala Roads and Bridges Development Corporation (RBDCK) Kerala State Pollution control Board (KSPCB) Rehabilitation Plantation Ltd (RPL) Kerala Press Academy (KPA) Matsyafed Kerala Fishermen Welfare Fund Board (KFWFB) Kerala State Handicapped persons welfare corporation (KSHPWC) |
PU D : | |
D1 : | 1.Kerala State Coir Corporation (KSCC) 2.Foam mattings India Limited (FOMIL) 3.Kerala Khadi and Village Industries Board 4.Kerala Minerals & Metals Limited (KMML) 5.Kerala State Textile Corporation (KSTC) 6.All Co-operative Spinning Mills (Trivandrum, Thrissur, Quilon, Malabar, Mala, Pinarayi, Uduma, Komalapuram, Malcotex, Malappuram, Cannanore, Priyadarsini) 7.Kerala State Handloom Development Corporation 8.Kerala State Handloom Weaving Co-operative society limited 9.Sitaram Textiles limited, Trivandrum Mills Limited (TSM) 10.Handloom Training Institute; Kunnathira Textiles 11.Kerala Garments Limited; KELPALM 12.Trivandrum Titanium Products Limited (TTPL) 13.Minerals exploration corporation limited 14.Kerala Mineral exploration development project 15.Kerala State Industries Enterprises 16.Kerala State Drugs & Pharmaceuticals (KSDP) 17.Kerala State Detergents and Chemicals Limited 18.Kerala Soaps and Oils Limited (KSC) 19.Travancore Plywood Industries Limited (TPL) 20.SERIFED 21.Kerala State Mineral Development Corporation Limited |
D2 : | 1Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation 2.Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation 3.Kerala Ceramics Limited 4.Chalakkudy Refractors Limited 5.Kerala Clays and Ceramics Products Limited 6.Kerala Special Refractories Limited 7.Kerala Electrical & Allied Engineering company limited 8.Metropolitian Engineering Company limited 9.United Electricals Limited 10.Kerala State Electronics Development corporation and its subsidiaries 11.Sidkel Televisions limited 12.Meat Industries Limited 13.Steel complex limited 14.Steel industrials Kerala Limited 15.Kerala construction components limited 16.Autokast Limited 17.Forest Industries (Travancore) Limited 18.ALIND 19.RIAB 20.Centre for Management Development 21.Kerala Industrial Revitalisation Fund Board 22.Kerexil 23.Kerala State Engineering Works 24.Steel and Industrial Forgings Limited 25.Bureau of Public Enterprises 26.SPV, Varkala 27.Kerala Bureau of Industrial Promotion 28.Public Enterprises Board |
D3 : | 1.Appollo Tyres/PTL Enterprises 2.Transformers and Electricals Limited 3.Malabar Cements Limited 4.Travancore sugars and chemicals 5.Mannam sugar Mills 6.Chittur sugar Mills 7.Traco Cables 8.State Farming Corporation 9.Kerala State Industrial products Trading Corporation 10.Kerala State Cashew Development Corporation 11.Travancore Cochin chemicals limited 12.Premier Tyres 13.Travancore cements limited 14.Capex 15.Technopark 16.KINFRA 17.Hitech Industries 18.Astral watches limited 19.Trivandrum Rubber works limited 20.Kerala State Bamboo corporation 21.Kerala State Artisans Development Corporation 22.Kerala Handicraft Development Corporation 23.Kerala Handicraft Apex Society (SURABHI) 24.Infrastructure Kerala Limited (INKEL) 25.Kerala State Agency for Expansion & Cashew cultivation (KSACC) 26.Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management â?? Kerala (IIITM-K) 27.Kerala State IT Infrastructure Limited (KSITIL) 28.Infopark 29.Cyberpark 30.Kerala Automobiles Ltd. |
Planning A : | |
A1 : | 1. Reconciliation of Plan Expenditure Figures 2. Monitoring of receipt of Central Assistance in respect of Additional Central Assistance (ACA) for externally Aided Projects (EAPs) 3. Monitoring of releases on Other Additional Central Assistance (ACA) and Normal Central Assistance (NCA) Monitoring of releases under Centrally Sponsored Schemes |
A2 : | 1. Files on approved out lay for State Plan Schemes and allied matters 2. Preparation of Departmental figures of Actual Expenditure to Government of India 3. Remarks on files referred from various sections of Finance Department 4. Legislative Assembly interpolation relating to State Plan, Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and Externally Aided Projects (EAPs) 5. Files relating to State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC) meetings and connected papers 6. Files relating to one time Additional Central Assistance (ACA) |
A3 : | 1. Files on releases relating to Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and allied matters 2. Watching of monthly progress reports of Plan Schemes 3. Papers on Audit Certificates of Accountant General and Efficiency Audit of Plan Schemes. 4. Review of Central Assistance on Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) 5. Preparation and furnishing of details of Administrative Sanctions of various Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS)/Central Plan Schemes (CPS) to AG 6. Miscellaneous papers |
Resources : | 1. Preparation of resources estimates for Annual Plan and related works. 2. LA Interpolation in respect of resource estimation and related matters 3. Files relating to Government of India`s consent for market borrowings 4. Files relating to the approval of projects under debt sustainability angle Preparation and forwarding of Statement of monthly accounts to Planning Commission, Government of India |
Planning B : | |
B1 : | Papers/files relating to Special working Group for issue of Administrative sanctions for plan schemes Remarks on files relating to Special Working Group Legislative Assembly interpolation in respect of Special Working Group Issue sanction orders to CRD for the release of funds received from ministry of Rural Development, Govt. Of India,under CSS to the implementing agencies. |
B2 : | Files relating to Asset Maintenance Fund Papers/files relating to the Higher Power committee in respect of implementation of projects Papers/files relating to Special Working Group in respect of Social Justice Department, SC/ST Department& LSGD. Papers/files relating to PPP Projects |
Records (Digitization) : | |
1 : | Engaging in the digitization of disposals |
Registry & Diarising : | |
RMU 1 : | Registering and Monitoring of Tappals received in Finance Department |
RMU 2 : | Registering and Monitoring of Tappals received in Finance Department |
Revenue Monitoring Cell : | |
C1 : | General Issues relating to augmentation of Non Tax Revenue Issues relating to Non Tax Revenue pertaining to the following departments a) Animal Husbandry b) Archaeology c) State Archives d) Civil Supplies e) Co-operation f) Directorate of Culture g) Education (General & Higher Education) h) Factories and Boilers i) Fisheries j) Harbour Engineering k) Health and family welfare l) Ground water Convening of meetings with the Secretaries concerned |
C2 : | Monthly Compilation of data relating to Non Tax Revenue Collection Issues relating to Non Tax Revenue pertaining to the following departments a) Industries b) Police c) Printing d) Stationery e) Survey & Land Records f) Hydrographic Survey g) Mining and Geology h) Agriculture i) Information and Public Relations j) Forest k) Public Works l) Irrigation m) Legal metrology) Kerala State Insurance Department o) Museum and Zoo p) Tourism All other Issues relating to Non Tax Revenue from sources other than those listed above |
Rules A : | |
A1 : | 1. Fixation of pay in respect of all Departments,2. General Conditions of Service,3. Promotion, 4. Amendment to KSR Part I under the subjects within the seat. |
A2 : | 1. Subsistence Allowance in respect of all Departments. 2. Suspension, Dismissal, Removal etc. in respect of all Departments.3. Amendment to KSR Part I under subjects within the seat.4. Honorarium.5. Resignation. 6. Payment of fees to Law Officers |
A3 : | 1. Charge Allowance of all Departments,2. Reckoning of Provisional Service / Prior Service, 3. Deputation / Foreign service,4. Training,5. Amendment to KSR Part I under the subjects |
A4 : | 1. Notional Promotion.2.Waiting for posting,3. Staff Car Rules ,4. Remarks on Fixation of pay under UGC / AICTE schemes,5. Joining time in respect of all Departments,6. Amendment to KSRs under the above items. |
Rules B : | |
B1 : | 1.Files seeking advice on Leave Rules from the following departments (a) Higher Education (b) Revenue (c) Home (d) Vigilance (e) Labour (f) Transport (g) Sports & Youth Affairs (h) Culture (i) Tourism, 2. RTI and inter section remarks relating to leave rules, 3. Surrender of Earned Leave. 4. Amendment to rules in KSRs., 5. LA interpolation |
B2 : | 1.Files seeking advice on Leave Rules from the following departments (a) Health (b) General Administration (c) Planning (d) Local Self Government (e) Co-operation (f) SC/ST (g) Industries (h) Social Justice(I) Consumer affairs. 2. Amendment to Kerala Financial Code Volume I&II, 3.amendment to Kerala Public work Account Code. |
B3 : | 1.Files seeking advice on Leave Rules from the following departments (a)Agriculture (b) Forest (c) Food & Civil Supplies (d) Fisheries & Ports (e) Water Resources (f) Science & Technology 2. Time barred Claims dealt with pay and allowances only in respect of all departments |
B4 : | 1.Files seeking advice on Leave Rules from the following departments other than those included in Rules B1,B2,B3 and General Education Department. |
Secret Section : | |
SS 1 : | 1. Liquidity Management 2. Treasury Payment Control 3. Secretaries Committee 4. Open Market Borrowing 5. Follow up actions on the recommendations of the meeting of State Finance Secretaries; (a) ECS, (b) Calender for Open Market Borrowing, (c) Re-issuance of Government Securities. 6. Deposit and maintenance of accounts of Consolidated Sinking Fund. 7. Budget proposal and appropriation control of the following heads of account; I 6003-00-103, 104,111 II 6003-00-105-99 III 6003-00-106-95 IV 6003-00-108-99 V 6003-101-99, 98, 96 VI 6003-110-99, 98, 97 & 96 VII 2048-00-101-99 VIII 2049-01-101-99, 98 & 97 IX 2049-01-115-99, 98, 97 & 96 X 2049-01-200-99, 98, 97, 91 & 88 XI 2049-01-305-98 XII 2049-03-107-99 & 98 XIII 0049-04-110-97 XIV 8673-101-99 & 98, 2049-01-123 XV 2049-01-123 8. Monitoring of debt repayment on; a) Open Market Borrowing (b) Various advances from Reserve Bank of India 9. Files relating to various meetings of Reserve Bank of India 10. Work related to Loans from GIC, LIC, NABARD (NRCLTO). All papers relating to the raising of the loan and remittance of principal and interest in instalments, crediting of assistance from NCDC to treasuries, Re-payment of principal and payment of interest on NCDC loans. 11. Secret Service expenditure of Police and Vigilance Department |
SS 2 : | 1. Departmental Promotion Committee (Higher) for the post of a) Additional Secretary b) Joint Secretary c) Deputy Secretary. 2. Departmental Promotion Committee (Lower) for the post of a) Under Secretary b) Section Officer. 3. Files relating to Annual Confidential records of a) AS, b) JS, c) DS, d) US 4. Preparation and safe custody of Annual Confidential Records of a) Section Officers b) Assistant Section Officers c) Senior Grade Assistants. 5.Preparation and safe custody of Land Property Returns of a) Divisional Accountants b) Assistant Section Officers c) Senior Grade Assistants. 6. Files relating to Kerala Land Reforms Bonds 7. Miscellaneous papers |
SS 3 : | 1. Economy orders and relaxation in respect of (a). Creation and up gradation of posts (b). Purchase of vehicles (c) Introduction of fuel ceiling (d) Sanctioning of new telephone connection (e). Air journey and journeys outside the state and country (f) Training of officials outside the state and country (g) Guidelines for the filling up of posts in Govt and PSUs. 2. Files relating to Income Tax 3. Proposals for exemption from Taxes and Non-taxes. 4. Credit verification with various Ministries of Government of India. 5. Files relating to NSSF 6. Budget proposal and appropriation control of the head of account 6003-111-NSSF. |
SFC-A : | |
A1 : | Release of funds to Local Governments, Bill system and accounting procedure in Local Governments, Fixing budget provisions relating to Development Fund, Maintenance Fund, and General Purpose Fund, Local Government-wise distribution of Development Fund, Maintenance Fund, and general Purpose Fund, Monitoring of finances of Local governments, papers relating to meetings and conferences, papers relating to the above matters received under Right to Information Act. |
A2 : | Follow up of the implementation of the recommendations of the State Finance Commission from time to time, Compliance of the Reports of other state Finance Commissions and conduct of comparative studies, create a data bank of finances of Local governments for the use of State and central Finance Commission. Papers connected with audit of State Finance Commission, placing the report State Finance Commission before the Council of Ministers , preparation of Action taken report thereon and placing the Report and Action taken report before the state Legislature, Secretarial support to the Empowered Committee, Capacity Building Programmes, dealing with the applications received under RTI Act of 2005 with regard to the subjects mentioned above. LA interpolation. Miscellaneous . |
Streamlining : | |
SL 1 : | 1. papers relating to pension through Public Sector Banks. 2. Papers relating to Treasury deposits. 3. Revision of interest rates to treasury deposits- Issuance of orders 4. Examination of audit Paras. 5. Examination of Ops relating to Treasuries |
SL 2 : | 1. Papers relating to P.D Account and TSB/FD on Special TSB, Criminal Court Deposit account and Civil Court Deposit Account 2. Declaration of drawing and disbursing officers of various departments |
SL 3 : | 1. Streamlining Of Treasury Procedure- Papers related to Treasury computarization 2. Amendment to Kerala Treasury Code Volume I & II, 3. Interpretation of Rules of Kerala Treasury code Volume I&II and Kerala Account code volume-II, 4. Examination of PAC recommendations , Subject committee, Recommendations and draft Paras of AG, 5. Correspondence with the Reserve Bank of India, Agency Banks, etc. 6. Endorsement of contingent Bills- issuance of treasury Advices, 7. Papers related to refund of money, 8. Papers relating to drawal of money from treasuries by way of cheques and DD. 9. Papers relating to pension, Miscellaneous subjects (ie. Those subjects which are not specifically allotted to SL1 & SL2 seats) |
Ways and Means : | |
W&M 1 : | Issuing Ways & Means clearance for all LC Cheques & Personal Cheques/Bills and all cheques/bills from District Collectors, BDO`s, Taluk Offices & Press Issuing Ways & Means clearance for all PSUs & Co-operative Bank/Societies, Agencies, KWA, Local Bodies Issuing concurrence of the State Government for repayment of Central Loans and payment of interest thereon |
W&M 2 : | Issuing Ways & Means clearance for all Government Departments Bills/Cheques Issuing Ways & Means clearance for all education institutions, Panchayat, Municipal Corporations, Police, NCC, Universities, Medical Colleges |
Welfare Wing : | |
WW 1 : | All matters related to Backward Class Development Department (BCDD), Minority Welfare Department (MWD), Nirmithi Kendra in Housing Department, Service Pension matters of Fisheries & Ports Department and LSGD, IFMA and MRI sanctioned from own funds of Panchayats, Municipalities, Corporations under Local Self Government Department. |
WW 2 : | All matters related to Social Justice Department |
WW 3 : | All matters related to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Development Department. |
Establishment C : | |
C4 : | Writ Petitions relating to Treasury Department, Annual review and inspection report and Administration report of Treasuries and other Miscellaneous papers including L.A Interpolation |
Development : | |
D4 : | Creation of posts, Time barred arrear claims, Fixation of Pay and allowances, Special Pay, Charge allowance, Upgradation of posts, Time bound Higher Grade, TA payments and TA arrear claims related to Fisheries Department, Port Department, Hydrographic Survey, Harbour Engineering Department, continuous sanction of temporary posts under the Head of account 2405-Fisheries, Deputation and continuous sanction for deputation in Kudumbasree, Recommendations of Legislature committee, audit papers, court cases (except SC/ST department/Social Welfare Department, Housing Department and community development department) and all other miscellaneous papers. |
Health B : | |
B3 : | Service matters including leave of all kinds, leave regularization, regularization of disciplinary action, regularization of waiting for posting, pension, pensionary benefits, deputation regularization relating to the above departments/institutions |
Labour : | |
L1 : | Post creation and continuance of posts in the Labour Department, all service matters to the employees of Labour Departments (Pay, Leave of all kinds, charge arrangements, options, fixations, Higher grade, Increments, Pension, con-donation of break etc.), Service matter of all Welfare Fund Boards. Departmental Working Group and Special Working Group Meeting in respect of Labour Department, Meeting in respect of CHIAK, all meeting papers relating to Labour Department, Gen/Body, Governing body meeting of KASE, KILE, all other miscellaneous papers. |
L2 : | Projects/Schemes; Budget & allied matters relating to Labour Departments, Schemes relating to RSBY, CHIS PLUS, AABY etc. Fund release of Grant in aid institutions under Labour Departments Drafts bill in respect of Labour Department, matters relating to all Welfare Fund Boards (other than service matters) under Labour Department, Welfare pension of Coir workers Welfare Board and Khadi workers Welfare Fund Board under Industries Department; matters relating to Kerala Agricultural Workers Welfare Fund Board and Headload Workers Welfare Fund Board (other than service matters), hiring of Building, rent, deputation benefits granted under service quota, audit paras; LA interpolation, tuition fee reimbursement, installation of telephone and broadband connection, time barred TA claims; contingent items of expenditure (permanent advance), investigation of arrear claims, purchase of stores, purchase/repairs of machinery and equipment tender of contract, purchase, repairs and disposal of vehicles, writ off/disposal of unserviceable articles, LAR cases, Constitution of special committees, Audit objection of Accountant General, HRMP Compensation |
Nodal Centre C : | |
C3 : | Processing of files related to works under LAC-ADF of the districts of Thrissur and Kannuar and issuing financial concurrence with reference to guidelines issued under the scheme. LA Questions, Right to Information, PAC Report, Subject Committee and other committee reports in this regard and miscellaneous. |
PRC C : | |
C4 : | 1. Home 2. Vigilance 3. High Court & all Judicial and Semi Judicial Tribunals. 4. Law 5. NORKA and all other Department 6. Tourism |
C5 : | 1. Planning & Economic Affairs 2. Sports & Youth Affairs 3. Culture 4. Labour & Rehabilitation 5. Fisheries & Ports 6. Information and Public Relations 7. Agriculture & Allied 8. SC, ST 9. Parliamentary Affairs |
C6 : | 1. Local Self Government Department 2. Revenue 3. Forest & Wildlife 4. Social Welfare 5. Archaeology 6. Printing & Stationery 7. P&ARD 8. Food & Civil Supplies 9. IT 10. Transport 11. Consumer Affairs 12. Housing 13.Science & Technology (State Scale) |
PRC D : | |
D4 : | The works relating to the rectification of anomalies of category of posts of the following Departments including Common category post Government Secretariat, Advocate General`s Office, Archaeology, Archives, Civil Supplies, Directorate of Prosecution, Enquiry Commissioner & Special Judge, Vigilance Tribunal, Industrial Tribunal, Industrial Training, Industries and Commerce, Information & Public Relations, Judiciary, KIRTADS, Kerala Lok Ayukta, Kerala Public Service Commission, Kerala State Agricultural Income tax & Sales tax Appellate Tribunal, Kerala State Audit, State Lotteries, Municipal Common Service, Museums and Zoo, National Cadet Corps, National Employment Service, National Savings, State Insurance, State Planning Board, State Transport Appellate Tribunal, Town and Country Planning, Tribunal for Local Self Government Institutions, University Appellate Tribunal, Urban Affairs, Water Appellate Authority. The works relating to the rectification of anomalies of category of posts of the following Departments and Miscellaneous works. Commercial Taxes, Electrical Inspectorate, Excise, Fire & Rescue Services, Fisheries, Forest, Ground Water, Harbour Engineering, Hydrographic Survey Wing, Irrigation, Local Self Government Engineering, Motor Vehicles, Police, Ports, prisons, Public Works, State Water Transport, Stationery, Tourism, Teasuries, Vigilance and Anti-corruption Bureau. |
D5 : | The works relating to the rectification of anomalies of category of posts of the following Departments and general issues relating to 10th Pay Revision. Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Ayurveda Medical Education, Chemical Examiner`s Laboratory, Dairy Development, Drugs Control, Factories and Boilers, Food Safety, Health Services, Homoeopathy, Homoeopathy Medical Colleges, Indian System of Medicine, Insurance Medical Service, Medical Education, Registration, Rural Development, Sainik Welfare, Scheduled Caste Development, Scheduled Tribes Development, Social Justice, Soil Survey and Soil Conservation, Sports and Youth Affairs, State Central Library. The works relating to the rectification of anomalies of category of posts of the following Departments Collegiate Education, Commissionerate of Entrance Examination, Co-operation, Culture, Economics and Statistics, Environment & Climate change, General Education, Higher Secondary Education, Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment, Housing Technical Cell, Labour, Labour Courts, Land Board, Land Revenue, Kerala State Land use Board, Legal Metrology, Mining and Geology, Panchayats, Printing, Survey and Land Records, Technical Education, Vocational Higher Secondary Education. |
Performance Budget B : | |
PB B1 : | a. Preparation of Performance Budget of Water Resource Department b. Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Schemes of Water Resource Department c. Miscellaneous Papers. |
PB B2 : | a. Preparation of Performance Budget of Higher Education Department. b. Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Schemes of Higher Education Department. c. L.A. Interpolation |
PB B3 : | a. Preparation of Performance Budget of Health Department. b. Concurrent Evaluation and Monitoring of Schemes of Health Department. |
SFC-B : | |
B1 : | RTI Petitions from public Petitions from LA Committee Fund release of SSP |
B2 : | Surveys â?? GIFT, Mahila Pradhan agents Remarks â?? Wings/Other departments Guidelines/Streamlining/new developments in SSP Matters regarding sevana software, like aadhaar linking etc. Petitions get forwarded through MLAs/Ministers LA Questions Meetings and minutes â?? M(Fin), PS, SFE regarding SSP Cases from High Court wherein Finance is respondent Reconciliation Pension related issues in Agriculture department Issues related to SSPL Petitions/resolutions from Local Government Institutions |
B3 : | DBT related issues/data entry Petitions from public/commissions/courts/semi judicial authority Centrally sponsored schemes related issues Welfare fund board pension distribution |
Tappal : | |
General : | Distribution of Tappal Daily Local deliveries from Heads of Departments namely Home department. DGP, IG of Police (Prisons), Director of Fire & Rescue, Taxes, IG of Registration, Commissioner of excise , M.D, Kerala Water Authority, MD-Ground Water, Chief Electrical Inspector, SC/ST. Harijan Welfare, Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, Directorate of Fisheries and Director of Ports, Commissioner of Transport, MD KSRTC, Commissioner of Civil Supplies and Director of Civil Supplies, Director of Urban Affairs, Municipal Admn, Director of Panchayats, Chief Town Planner, DLFA, DPI, Secretary State Planning Board, Director of Bureau of Economics and statistics. Commissioner of Rural Development, Presses, Director of NCC, Printing Department, Controller of Stationery. Collegiate Education, Director of Technical Education, Labour Employment and Training, Director of Factories and Boilers, DMOH, Commissioner of Insurance of Medical Services, Agriculture, Dairy Development,Soil conservation. |
Accounts A : | |
A7 : | null |
A8 : | null |
Funds 1 : | |
F3 : | null |
Funds 2 : | |
F4 : | null |
Loans : | |
L4 : | |
Establishment D : | |
D4 : | |
CSFC B : | |
B1 : | |
B2 : | |
CSFC C : | |
C1 : | null |
Special Inspection Team : | |
SIT1 : | null |
SIT2 : | null |
Health Insurance : | |
HI1 : | null |
HI2 : | null |
Spark : | |
SPK-A1 : | null |
SPK-A2 : | null |
SPK-A3 : | null |
SPK-A4 : | null |
Planning Special Cell : | |
PLG-SC1 : | null |
PLG-SC2 : | null |
PLG-SC3 : | null |
CSFC A : | |
A3 : | null |
CSFC B : | |
B3 : | null |
CSFC C : | |
C2 : | null |
C3 : | null |
Expenditure D : | |
D1 : | null |
D2 : | null |
D3 : | null |
D4 : | null |
Women and Child Development : | |
WCD1 : | null |
WCD2 : | null |
WCD3 : | null |
Accommodation & Stationery |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Accounts A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Sumitha Gopal Office No.:2518132 | Mobile No.:9496257596 ` | Email: sumitha192615@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Suthan W J Office No.:0471-2337699 | PABX:8053 | Mobile No.:9447291573 ` | Email: suthanwj100928@kerala.gov.in |
Accounts B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Sumitha Gopal Office No.:2518132 | Mobile No.:9496257596 ` | Email: sumitha192615@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Suthan W J Office No.:0471-2337699 | PABX:8053 | Mobile No.:9447291573 ` | Email: suthanwj100928@kerala.gov.in |
Administration A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.B Sasikumar Office No.:0471 - 2518140 | PABX:8767 | Mobile No.:9446807850 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Administration B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.B Sasikumar Office No.:0471 - 2518140 | PABX:8767 | Mobile No.:9446807850 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Administration C |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Ravi B | PABX:8402 | Mobile No.:9895151147 ` | Email: ravi295740@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Agriculture A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Preethi G Thomas | PABX:7295 | Mobile No.:9400420684 ` | Email: preethi241981@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri K T Mahesh Kumar | PABX:8297 | Mobile No.:9495727588 ` | Email: mahesh100560@kerala.gov.in |
Agriculture B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Preethi G Thomas | PABX:7295 | Mobile No.:9400420684 ` | Email: preethi241981@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri K T Mahesh Kumar | PABX:8297 | Mobile No.:9495727588 ` | Email: mahesh100560@kerala.gov.in |
Agriculture C |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Smitha K G | PABX:7279 | Mobile No.:8606864322 ` | Email: smitha296342@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri K T Mahesh Kumar | PABX:8297 | Mobile No.:9495727588 ` | Email: mahesh100560@kerala.gov.in |
BDS & GB |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Lekha K C Office No.:0471 - 2517444 | PABX:7165 | Mobile No.:8075328659 ` | Email: lekha102822@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Suneeja Beegum M | PABX:8547 | Mobile No.:9496203027 ` | Email: suneeja100537@kerala.gov.in |
Budget A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Yoosuf Khan Office No.:0471 - 2518312 | PABX:8312 | Mobile No.:9495540134 ` | Email: yoosuf103800@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt. Sobha V R Office No.:0471-2518825 | PABX:8825 | Mobile No.:9495155691 ` | Email: sobha100562@kerala.gov.in |
Budget B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Shibu G Office No.:0471 - 2518073 | PABX:8073 | Mobile No.:9847029060 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Suneeja Beegum M | PABX:8547 | Mobile No.:9496203027 ` | Email: suneeja100537@kerala.gov.in |
Budget C |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Sajeela A Office No.:0471 - 2518914 | PABX:8322 | Mobile No.:9847130635 ` | Email: sajeela106213@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt. Sobha V R Office No.:0471-2518825 | PABX:8825 | Mobile No.:9495155691 ` | Email: sobha100562@kerala.gov.in |
Budget D |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Sreeraj S S Office No.:0471 - 2518296 | PABX:8296 | Mobile No.:9446366366 ` | Email: sreeraj104242@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Suneeja Beegum M | PABX:8547 | Mobile No.:9496203027 ` | Email: suneeja100537@kerala.gov.in |
Budget E |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Sreeraj S S Office No.:0471 - 2518296 | PABX:8296 | Mobile No.:9446366366 ` | Email: sreeraj104242@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Suneeja Beegum M | PABX:8547 | Mobile No.:9496203027 ` | Email: suneeja100537@kerala.gov.in |
Budget F |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Sajeela A Office No.:0471 - 2518914 | PABX:8322 | Mobile No.:9847130635 ` | Email: sajeela106213@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Suneeja Beegum M | PABX:8547 | Mobile No.:9496203027 ` | Email: suneeja100537@kerala.gov.in |
Budget G |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Shibu G Office No.:0471 - 2518073 | PABX:8073 | Mobile No.:9847029060 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt. Sobha V R Office No.:0471-2518825 | PABX:8825 | Mobile No.:9495155691 ` | Email: sobha100562@kerala.gov.in |
Budget H |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Sreeraj S S Office No.:0471 - 2518296 | PABX:8296 | Mobile No.:9446366366 ` | Email: sreeraj104242@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Suneeja Beegum M | PABX:8547 | Mobile No.:9496203027 ` | Email: suneeja100537@kerala.gov.in |
Budget J |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Shibu G Office No.:0471 - 2518073 | PABX:8073 | Mobile No.:9847029060 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt. Sobha V R Office No.:0471-2518825 | PABX:8825 | Mobile No.:9495155691 ` | Email: sobha100562@kerala.gov.in |
Budget K |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Sajeela A Office No.:0471 - 2518914 | PABX:8322 | Mobile No.:9847130635 ` | Email: sajeela106213@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt. Sobha V R Office No.:0471-2518825 | PABX:8825 | Mobile No.:9495155691 ` | Email: sobha100562@kerala.gov.in |
Cash Counter | ||
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Anil kumar A | PABX:7281 | Mobile No.:9495122422 ` | Email: anil318410@kerala.gov.in |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Anil kumar A | PABX:7281 | Mobile No.:9495122422 ` | Email: anil318410@kerala.gov.in |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Anil kumar A | PABX:7281 | Mobile No.:9495122422 ` | Email: anil318410@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Despatch |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt.P Rema Office No.:0471-2518640 | PABX:8640 | Mobile No.:9446494183 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Development |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Alfa S S,KAS Office No.:0471-2518847 | PABX:8847 | Mobile No.:7907610106 ` | Email: alfa930683.kas@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Jayalekshmi T M | PABX:8315 | Mobile No.:9497570474 ` | Email: jaya100662@kerala.gov.in |
Diarisation Unit & Central Registry Unit (CRU) | ||
Education A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Priya M R | PABX:7295 | Mobile No.:9497863164 ` | Email: priya104040@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt Sreelatha M | PABX:8674 | Mobile No.:9388192798 ` | Email: sreelatha173402@kerala.gov.in |
Education B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Priya M R | PABX:7295 | Mobile No.:9497863164 ` | Email: priya104040@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt Sreelatha M | PABX:8674 | Mobile No.:9388192798 ` | Email: sreelatha173402@kerala.gov.in |
Education C |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Alfa S S,KAS Office No.:0471-2518847 | PABX:8847 | Mobile No.:7907610106 ` | Email: alfa930683.kas@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Jayalekshmi T M | PABX:8315 | Mobile No.:9497570474 ` | Email: jaya100662@kerala.gov.in |
Establishment B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri Vinod Kumar V | PABX:8826 | Mobile No.:9400551028 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Establishment C |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt.Shini Rajan | PABX:8650 | Mobile No.:9496154955 ` | Email: shini198271@kerala.gov.in |
Establishment D |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Elsy George | PABX:8551 | Mobile No.:9495795829 ` | Email: elsy197830@kerala.gov.in |
Expenditure A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Binu K | PABX:8189 | Mobile No.:9495297829 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Shafeena B | PABX:8889 | Mobile No.:9497693281 ` | Email: shafeena100611@kerala.gov.in |
Expenditure B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Binu K | PABX:8189 | Mobile No.:9495297829 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Shafeena B | PABX:8889 | Mobile No.:9497693281 ` | Email: shafeena100611@kerala.gov.in |
Expenditure C |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Renju T | PABX:8857 | Mobile No.:9446160820 ` | Email: ranju104074@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Shafeena B | PABX:8889 | Mobile No.:9497693281 ` | Email: shafeena100611@kerala.gov.in |
Expenditure D |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Shafeena B | PABX:8889 | Mobile No.:9497693281 ` | Email: shafeena100611@kerala.gov.in |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Shaji T P | PABX:7161 | Mobile No.:8921133855 ` | Email: shaji296345@kerala.gov.in |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Shaji T P | PABX:7161 | Mobile No.:8921133855 ` | Email: shaji296345@kerala.gov.in |
Funds 1 |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Preetha V S | PABX:8050 | Mobile No.:9605892009 ` | Email: preetha106158@kerala.gov.in |
Grant-in-Aid Monitoring Cell |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Ravi B | PABX:8402 | Mobile No.:9895151147 ` | Email: ravi295740@kerala.gov.in |
Group Insurance Scheme |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Shaji T P | PABX:7161 | Mobile No.:8921133855 ` | Email: shaji296345@kerala.gov.in |
HBA | ||
Health A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Lija L J Office No.:0471 - 2517306 | PABX:7306 | Mobile No.:8547167741 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Rajesh Andoli | PABX:8291 | Mobile No.:9496355846 ` | Email: rajesh100684@kerala.gov.in |
Health B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Lija L J Office No.:0471 - 2517306 | PABX:7306 | Mobile No.:8547167741 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Rajesh Andoli | PABX:8291 | Mobile No.:9496355846 ` | Email: rajesh100684@kerala.gov.in |
Health Insurance |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Preetha V S | PABX:8050 | Mobile No.:9605892009 ` | Email: preetha106158@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Tixy Nelson Office No.:0471-2517284 | PABX:7284 | Mobile No.:9446705716 ` | Email: tixy100465@kerala.gov.in |
Industries & PW A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
C V Manmohan, KAS Office No.:0471-2518324 | PABX:8324 | Mobile No.:9496351697 ` | Email: manmhn930690.kas@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt Rema I | PABX:7373 | Mobile No.:9495011090 ` | Email: rema100592@kerala.gov.in |
Industries & PW B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
C V Manmohan, KAS Office No.:0471-2518324 | PABX:8324 | Mobile No.:9496351697 ` | Email: manmhn930690.kas@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt Rema I | PABX:7373 | Mobile No.:9495011090 ` | Email: rema100592@kerala.gov.in |
Infrastructure (KIIFB) |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri Ajayaprasad M K | Mobile No.:9497015810 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Reji John | Mobile No.:9495555583 ` | Email: reji100561@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Sivaprasad V | Mobile No.:9495568939 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Sivaprasad V | Mobile No.:9495568939 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection D |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Sivaprasad V | Mobile No.:9495568939 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection E |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection F |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection G |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection H |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection J |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection K |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri P R Suresh Kumar | PABX:7220 | Mobile No.:8281489574 ` | Email: suresh100515@kerala.gov.in |
Inspection Technical Wing | ||
Internal Audit Cell A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Anil Kumar R | PABX:7493 | Mobile No.:9446109756 ` | Email: anil219018@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri K T Mahesh Kumar | PABX:8297 | Mobile No.:9495727588 ` | Email: mahesh100560@kerala.gov.in |
Internal Audit Cell B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Anil Kumar R | PABX:7493 | Mobile No.:9446109756 ` | Email: anil219018@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri K T Mahesh Kumar | PABX:8297 | Mobile No.:9495727588 ` | Email: mahesh100560@kerala.gov.in |
IT-Software |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
IT-Systems |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Suthan W J Office No.:0471-2337699 | PABX:8053 | Mobile No.:9447291573 ` | Email: suthanwj100928@kerala.gov.in |
Labour |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Vinayan V S | PABX:8797 | Mobile No.:9656111335 ` | Email: vinayan159760@kerala.gov.in |
Loans |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Leena V S Office No.:0471 - 2517487 | PABX:7487 | Mobile No.:9497622212 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt Shibi George | PABX:8910 | Mobile No.:9495737659 ` | Email: shibi100966@kerala.gov.in |
New Tappal |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Nodal Centre A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt.Shini Rajan | PABX:8650 | Mobile No.:9496154955 ` | Email: shini198271@kerala.gov.in |
Nodal Centre B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Sasikala V | PABX:7279 | Mobile No.:9496202507 ` | Email: sasikala296346@kerala.gov.in |
Nodal Centre C |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Sasikala V | PABX:7279 | Mobile No.:9496202507 ` | Email: sasikala296346@kerala.gov.in |
NPS Cell |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt. Sobha L | PABX:8776 | Mobile No.:9446550186 ` | Email: sobha100594@kerala.gov.in |
PAC - A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Jayanthi T | PABX:8896 | Mobile No.:9446068251 ` | Email: jayanthi100665@kerala.gov.in |
PAC - B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Jayanthi T | PABX:8896 | Mobile No.:9446068251 ` | Email: jayanthi100665@kerala.gov.in |
Pay Reserch Unit (PRU) |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Saritha K V | PABX:7377 | Mobile No.:9746597726 ` | Email: saritha159677@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Dr. Beena A Khan | PABX:8852 | Mobile No.:9497249657 ` | Email: beena101984@kerala.gov.in |
Pension A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Smitha K G | PABX:7279 | Mobile No.:8606864322 ` | Email: smitha296342@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Tixy Nelson Office No.:0471-2517284 | PABX:7284 | Mobile No.:9446705716 ` | Email: tixy100465@kerala.gov.in |
Pension B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Anil Kumar R | PABX:7493 | Mobile No.:9446109756 ` | Email: anil219018@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Tixy Nelson Office No.:0471-2517284 | PABX:7284 | Mobile No.:9446705716 ` | Email: tixy100465@kerala.gov.in |
Pensioners' Welfare Cell |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt.P Rema Office No.:0471-2518640 | PABX:8640 | Mobile No.:9446494183 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Dr. Beena A Khan | PABX:8852 | Mobile No.:9497249657 ` | Email: beena101984@kerala.gov.in |
Performance Budget A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri S Pradeep Kumar | PABX:7266 | Mobile No.:9446829166 ` | Email: pradeep152139@kerala.gov.in |
Performance Budget B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri S Pradeep Kumar | PABX:7266 | Mobile No.:9446829166 ` | Email: pradeep152139@kerala.gov.in |
Planning A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Yoosuf Khan Office No.:0471 - 2518312 | PABX:8312 | Mobile No.:9495540134 ` | Email: yoosuf103800@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Rajesh Prakash | PABX:8709 | Mobile No.:9446701071 ` | Email: rajesh100559@kerala.gov.in |
Planning B |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Rajesh Prakash | PABX:8709 | Mobile No.:9446701071 ` | Email: rajesh100559@kerala.gov.in |
Planning Special Cell |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Gayathri G R,KAS | PABX:8892 | Mobile No.:9497695989 ` | Email: gaytri445199.kas@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Rajesh Prakash | PABX:8709 | Mobile No.:9446701071 ` | Email: rajesh100559@kerala.gov.in |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Ambili S S | PABX:7369 | Mobile No.:9446341344 ` | Email: ambili317437@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt Shibi George | PABX:8910 | Mobile No.:9495737659 ` | Email: shibi100966@kerala.gov.in |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Surya S S | PABX:7485 | Mobile No.:9495530414 ` | Email: surya192629@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri Prasanth M | PABX:8252 | Mobile No.:9496253964 ` | Email: prasanth100443@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt Shibi George | PABX:8910 | Mobile No.:9495737659 ` | Email: shibi100966@kerala.gov.in |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Praveesh S | PABX:7345 | Mobile No.:9995073952 ` | Email: pravesh297269@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri Prasanth M | PABX:8252 | Mobile No.:9496253964 ` | Email: prasanth100443@kerala.gov.in |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Ambili S S | PABX:7369 | Mobile No.:9446341344 ` | Email: ambili317437@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri Prasanth M | PABX:8252 | Mobile No.:9496253964 ` | Email: prasanth100443@kerala.gov.in |
PRISM | ||
Provident Fund |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Lekha K C Office No.:0471 - 2517444 | PABX:7165 | Mobile No.:8075328659 ` | Email: lekha102822@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Shaija Rani P P | PABX:7224 | Mobile No.:8111986158 ` | Email: shaija100446@kerala.gov.in |
PSA & Information |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Anil Raj K S | PABX:8054 | Mobile No.:9495339576 ` | Email: anilraj364391@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt. Sobha L | PABX:8776 | Mobile No.:9446550186 ` | Email: sobha100594@kerala.gov.in |
PU A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri. Vinayan V S | PABX:8797 | Mobile No.:9656111335 ` | Email: vinayan159760@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri. K Anil Kumar | PABX:8357 | Mobile No.:9447957462 ` | Email: anilkumar100525@kerala.gov.in |
PU B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri Vinod Kumar V | PABX:8826 | Mobile No.:9400551028 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri. K Anil Kumar | PABX:8357 | Mobile No.:9447957462 ` | Email: anilkumar100525@kerala.gov.in |
PU C |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Gayathri G R,KAS | PABX:8892 | Mobile No.:9497695989 ` | Email: gaytri445199.kas@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri. K Anil Kumar | PABX:8357 | Mobile No.:9447957462 ` | Email: anilkumar100525@kerala.gov.in |
PU D |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Saritha K V | PABX:7377 | Mobile No.:9746597726 ` | Email: saritha159677@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri. K Anil Kumar | PABX:8357 | Mobile No.:9447957462 ` | Email: anilkumar100525@kerala.gov.in |
Records |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Registry & Diarising | ||
Revenue Monitoring Cell |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Elsy George | PABX:8551 | Mobile No.:9495795829 ` | Email: elsy197830@kerala.gov.in |
Rules A |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Smitha V S | PABX:8551 | Mobile No.:9446329630 ` | Email: smitha307233@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Shaija Rani P P | PABX:7224 | Mobile No.:8111986158 ` | Email: shaija100446@kerala.gov.in |
Rules B |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Smitha V S | PABX:8551 | Mobile No.:9446329630 ` | Email: smitha307233@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Shaija Rani P P | PABX:7224 | Mobile No.:8111986158 ` | Email: shaija100446@kerala.gov.in |
Secret Section |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri.Shanavas.A | PABX:7461 | Mobile No.:9446325763 ` | Email: shanavas103877@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Rajesh Prakash | PABX:8709 | Mobile No.:9446701071 ` | Email: rajesh100559@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Suresh Kumar O B Office No.:0471 - 2518314 | PABX:8314 | Mobile No.:9400353556 ` | Email: obsuresh@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Suresh Kumar O B Office No.:0471 - 2518314 | PABX:8314 | Mobile No.:9400353556 ` | Email: obsuresh@kerala.gov.in |
Spark |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Girish Parakkat Office No.:04712579700 | Mobile No.:9400353565 ` | Email: girishp@kerala.gov.in |
Special Inspection Team | ||
Streamlining |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Leena V S Office No.:0471 - 2517487 | PABX:7487 | Mobile No.:9497622212 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Suresh Kumar O B Office No.:0471 - 2518314 | PABX:8314 | Mobile No.:9400353556 ` | Email: obsuresh@kerala.gov.in |
Tappal |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt.P Rema Office No.:0471-2518640 | PABX:8640 | Mobile No.:9446494183 |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Smt.Vijayasree M S Office No.:0471-2327511 | PABX:8326 | Mobile No.:9446373693 ` | Email: vijayasree100563@kerala.gov.in |
Ways and Means |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Smt. Surya S S | PABX:7485 | Mobile No.:9495530414 ` | Email: surya192629@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Rajesh Prakash | PABX:8709 | Mobile No.:9446701071 ` | Email: rajesh100559@kerala.gov.in |
Welfare Wing |
SPIO - Under Secretary
Sri Omanakuttan N Office No.:0471 - 2517370 | PABX:7370 | Mobile No.:8086558611 ` | Email: ok103849@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - Joint Secretary
Sri.Suthan W J Office No.:0471-2337699 | PABX:8053 | Mobile No.:9447291573 ` | Email: suthanwj100928@kerala.gov.in |
Appellate Authority - I | |
Additional Secretary | Sri. S Suresh Kumar |
Appellate Authority - II | |
Additional Secretary | Sri. Jafar A.M. |
State Public Information Officer (SPIO-II) | |
Deputy Secretary | Smt.Ajithakumary.P |
State Public Information Officer (SPIO-I) | |
Under Secretary | Sri.Anil Raj K.S |
Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO) | |
Section Officer | Sri.Dileep Kumar.B |
APIO,Laison Officer (Legislative Secretariat),Nodal Officer,CMDRF | |
Under Secretary | Sri.Anil Raj K S |
Contact. | PABX:8054 | Mobile No.:9495339576 | Email:anilraj364391@kerala.gov.in |
Office Location | D-20,Near Finance Development Hall,Main Block, |
Appellate Authority-1 | |
Additional Secretary | Sri.S Suresh Kumar |
Contact. | PABX:8538 | Mobile No.:9495243253 | Email:suresh100401@kerala.gov.in |
Office Location | SSBT-IX, 4th Floor, South Sandwich Block |
Assistant | Remya Anand |
Contact. | Mobile No.:9495558405 | Email:remya.954141@kerala.gov.in |
Assistant | Kumari.A |
Contact. | Mobile No.:9497776016 | Email:kumari100689@kerala.gov.in |
Section Officer | Santhosh Kumar S |
Contact. | PABX:8812 | Mobile No.:9349998290 | Email:santhosh100675@kerala,gov.in |
Assistant Section Officer | Ravichandran K |
Contact. | Mobile No.:9995253853 | Email:ravik295998@kerala.gov.in |
Joint Secretary | Smt. Sobha L |
Contact. | PABX:8776 | Mobile No.:9446550186 | Email:sobha100594@kerala.gov.in |
Office Location | G-1,Ground Floor,Main Block |
Residence Address | S.S.cottage, Vadakkevila, Balaramapuram-71 |
Office | Public Information Officer (SPIO) | Appellate Authority (AA) |
Directorate of National Savings | Sunil Kumar.G Deputy Director | Ajith Kumar.P Additional Director |
O/o Deputy Director Thiruvananthapuram | Smitha. M Accounts Officer | Mahesh. M Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Kollam | Shanavas. A Assistant Director | Hari. P.R Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Pathanamthitta | Jiji. R Assistant Director | Ajith Ganesh Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Alappuzha | Manoj. P Assistant Director | Prasanth. K.S Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Kottayam | Vidhu Priya.R.Prathap Assistant Director | Jyothy Damodharan Deputy Director |
O/o Assistant Director Idukki | Riyas. M Senior Grade Assistant | Jyothy Damodharan Assistant Director i/c & Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Ernakulam | Haneesh. P Assistant Director | Laiju.M.A Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Thrissur | Anilkumar. M.S Assistant Director | Biju. P.V Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Palakkad | Abdul Bari Assistant Director | Shafi. U.K Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Malappuram | Ramla. N Assistant Director | Unnikrishnan. M Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Kozhikode | Anoop.P Assistant Section Officer | Girish Kumar Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Wayanad | Sachin. U.S Assistant | Rukhiya. K.K Assistant Director |
O/o Deputy Director Kannur | Dinesh Kumar. K Assistant Director | Deputy Director |
O/o Deputy Director Kasargod | Rekha. A Senior Grade Assistant | Sheeba. K Assistant Director |
Documents Under Section 4[1]
Framing of rules regulating the pay, leave and pension of persons in the service of the Government and rules regulating the number, gradings or cadre and emoluments of posts under the Government and also be responsible for seeing that these rules are properly applied. |
Finance Department is responsible for all matters relative to financial procedure and the application of the principles of sound finance. |
Advise on the financial aspect of all transactions relating to loans granted by the Government. |
Safety and proper employment of Famine Relief Fund and other special funds, if any, and for the administration of Provident Funds, Deposits and Advances. |
Examine and report on all proposals for the imposition, increase, reduction or abolition of taxes, duties, cesses or fees. |
Examine and report on all proposals for borrowing or giving of a guarantee by the Government and raise such loans as have been duly authorised, Finance Department shall be in charge of all matters relating to the service of loans or the discharge of guarantees. |
Ensure that proper financial rules are framed for the guidance of other departments and that suitable accounts, including commercial accounts, whatever necessary, are maintained by other departments and establishments subordinate to them. |
Prepare an estimate of the total receipts and disbursements of the State in each year and watching the state Government's balances and for their ways and means operations. |
Preparation of Budgets and supplementary estimates. |
Advise departments responsible for the collection of revenue regarding the progress of collection and methods of collection employed. |
To support the state in meeting it's socio-economic and developmental objectives in a fiscally sustainable and efficient manner. |
Formulate and implement the Government's Budget. |
Efficient Resource Allocation across Government Departments and Priority Areas. |
Sustainable Debt Management with transparency. |
Resource Mobilization through a broad-based tax and non-tax structure. |
Aid Capital Formation - Infrastructure Development in the State through deployment of adequate resource from the State Plan, EAPs and KIIFB. |
Prudent Expenditure in line with General Financial Principles. |
Raising profitability of PSUs thereby reducing their reliance on the State budget. |
Strengthening of IT Infrastructure of Finance Department for ensuring better service delivery including automation of welfare benefits for visibility, transparency and de-duplication. |
Ensuring accountability through the Finance Inspection Wing and Kerala State Audit Department. |
The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions |
A statement of categories of documents that are held by it or under its control
Name of Post | Revised Scale of Pay |
Principal Secretary | IAS |
Secretary | IAS |
Special Secretary | 129300-166800 |
Additional Secretary | 123700-166800 |
Joint Secretary | 118100-163400 |
Deputy Secretary | 107800-160000 |
Under Secretary (HG) | 95600-153200 |
Under Secretary | 63700-123700 |
Section Officer (HG) | 56500-118100 |
Section Officer | 51400-110300 |
Office Superintendent (HG) | 56500-118100 |
Office Superintendent | 51400-110300 |
Assistant Section Officer | 45600-95600 |
Senior Grade Assistant | 43400-91200 |
Assistant | 39300-83000 |
Computer Assistant Selection Grade | 45600-95600 |
Computer Assistant Senior Grade | 43400-91200 |
Computer Assistant Grade I | 39300-83000 |
Computer Assistant Grade II | 27900-63700 |
Clerical Assistant Grade I | 27900-63700 |
Clerical Assistant Grade II | 26500-60700 |
Attender (HG) | 25100-57900 |
Attender | 24400-55200 |
Director, Information Systems | 118100-163400 |
Joint Director (Information Systems) | 51400-110300 |
Accounts Officer | 59300-120900 |
Binder Grade I | 27900-63700 |
Binder Grade II | 26500-60700 |
Roneo Operator | 25100-57900 |
Office Attendant Grade I | 23700-52600 |
Office Attendant Grade II | 23000-50200 |
MAJOR HEAD - 2052 SECRETARIAT GENERAL SERVICES [Budget Estimate 2023-24] | ||
Sub Major and Minor Heads | Plan | Non-Plan |
2052-00-090-96 | ||
96 Finance Department | ||
01Salaries | ||
1Pay | .. | 594359 |
2Dearness Allowance | .. | 59079 |
3House Rent Allowance | .. | |
4Medical Reimbursement | .. | |
5Other Allowances | .. | 2633 |
Total - 01 | .. | 718203 |
02Wages | ||
1Pay | .. | 2215 |
2Dearness Allowance | .. | 199 |
3Other Allowances | .. | 45 |
4Consolidated Pay | .. | 3935 |
5Daily Wages | .. | 7241 |
Total - 02 | .. | 13635 |
04Travel Expenses | ||
1Tour T. A | .. | 5440 |
2Transfer T. A. | .. | 250 |
3Leave Travel Concession | .. | 936 |
Total - 04 | .. | 6626 |
05Office Expenses | ||
1Water Charges | .. | 1 |
2Electricity Charges | .. | 227 |
3Telephone Charges | .. | 1786 |
4Other Items | .. | 9371 |
Total - 05 | .. | 11385 |
06Rent, Rates and Taxes | .. | 2000 |
17Minor Works | .. | 900 |
21Motor Vehicles | ||
1Purchase of Vehicles | .. | 1 |
2Repairs and Maintenance | .. | 790 |
Total - 21 | .. | 791 |
26Implementation of Official Language | .. | 1 |
34Other Charges | ||
3Other items | 1014 | |
Total - 34 | .. | 1014 |
45P.O.L | .. | 2409 |
97Hire Charges of Motor Vehicles | .. | 1 |
Total - 96 | .. | 756965 |
- സംസ്ഥാന ബജറ്റ്
- ധനകാര്യ മന്ത്രി
- ഡിപ്പാർട്ട്മെന്റ് ഡയറക്ടറി
- വിഭാഗം - പ്രവർത്തന മേഖലകൾ
- പൗരന്മാരുടെ ചാർട്ട്
- വിവരാവകാശം
പുതിയ വാർത്തകളും തീരുമാനങ്ങളും
- ബോണസ് / പ്രത്യേക ഉത്സവബത്ത - G.O.(P)No.78/2024/Fin Dated 06-09-2024
- ഓണം അഡ്വാൻസ് - G.O.(P)No.77/2024/Fin Dated 06-09-2024
- Online Reconciliation of Accounts - Circular No.52/2024/Fin Dated 27-08-2024
- Guidelines to DDOs for CMDRF donations from salary - Circular No.51/2024/Fin Dated 24-08-2024
- മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിയുടെ ദുരിതാശ്വാസനിധിയിലേയ്ക്ക് സര്ക്കാര് ജീവനക്കാരുടെ സംഭാവന - G.O.(P)No.70/2024/Fin Dated 16-08-2024
- Complaint Redressal Cell for CMDRF - G.O.(Rt)No.5953/2024/Fin Dated 04-08-2024
- Instructions for preparation of Budget Estimates 2025-26 - Circular No.45/2024/Fin Dated 26-07-2024
- Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Audit Assistant on Contract basis for Kerala Social Security Pension Limited - KSSPL/FIN/17/2024- ASST Dated 01-07-2024
- സോഫ്റ്റ്വെയർ ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനുകളുടെ നടത്തിപ്പിനായി താൽക്കാലിക ജീവനക്കാരെ നിയമിക്കുന്നതിനു അപേക്ഷകൾ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു. - 2128824/ITSF-4/11/2022-Fin Dated 22-06-2024
- മെഡിസെപ് പദ്ധതി ചോദ്യാവലി - മെഡിസെപ് പദ്ധതി ചോദ്യാവലി Dated 15-06-2024
- സാമ്പത്തിക വർഷാവസാനത്തിൽ ട്രഷറി ക്യൂവിൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തിയ ബില്ലുകൾ/ചെക്കുകൾ ക്ലിയർ ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള നടപടിക്രമങ്ങൾ - Circular No.23/2024/Fin Dated 08-04-2024
- Resumption of funds from Treasury Accounts in 2023-24 - Reallocation in 2024-25 - Guidelines - Circular No.22/2024/Fin Dated 03-04-2024
- Avoidance of rushing of bills and drawing of advance - Circular No.18/2024/Fin Dated 21-03-2024
- പെൻഷൻ പരിഷ്കരണ കുടിശ്ശികയുടെ മൂന്നാം ഗഡു - G.O.(P)No.21/2024/Fin Dated 15-03-2024
- Deputation to CBSE - CBSE.RECTT.CELL/1(119)/2024/5061 Dated 28-02-2024
- Final settlement of Re-appropriation / Resumption - Circular No.13/2024/Fin Dated 04-03-2024
- Treasury Deposit interest rates revised - G.O.(P)No.14/2024/Fin Dated 28-02-2024
- നിയോജക മണ്ഡല ആസ്തി വികസന പദ്ധതി - G.O.(Rt)No.1856/2024/Fin Dated 27-02-2024
- Deputation vacancies in CBSE - Deputation vacancies in CBSE Dated 17-02-2024
- Budget Speech (Malayalam) - Budget Speech (Malayalam) Dated 05-02-2024
- Budget Speech (English) - Budget Speech (English) Dated 05-02-2024
- ഡിവിഷണൽ അക്കൗണ്ടണ്ട്സ് ഓഫ്ഫിസർമാരുടെ സ്ഥലം മാറ്റം - G.O.(Rt)No.9086/2023/Fin Dated 23-12-2023
- അസിസ്റ്റൻ്റ് ചീഫ് ടെക്നിക്കൽ എക്സാമിനർ, ടെക്നിക്കൽ എക്സാമിനർ - ഡെപ്യൂട്ടേഷൻ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിൽ നിയമിക്കപ്പെടുന്നതിന് പാനൽ തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നതിനുളള വിജ്ഞാപനം - Notification No.2604428/Admn-C2/51/2023/Fin
- Assistant Chief Technical Examiner, Technical Examiner on Deputation - Notification for Empanelling of Officers - Notification No.2604428/Admn-C2/51/2023/Fin
- Application invited for Chief Technical Examiner (Civil) - Note No.2324348/Admin-C2/9/2023/Fin Dated 31-10-2023
- "കേരളീയം 2023" - സാമ്പത്തിക കമ്മറ്റികളുടെ അനുമതി - G.O.(Ms)No.153/2023/Fin Dated 13-10-2023
- പ്രത്യേക ഉത്സവബത്ത - G.O.(P)No.92/2023/Fin Dated 23-08-2023
- ഓണം അഡ്വാൻസ് - G.O.(P)No.86/2023/Fin Dated 16-08-2023
- ബോണസ് / പ്രത്യേക ഉത്സവബത്ത - G.O.(P)No.85/2023/Fin Dated 16-08-2023
- Preparation of Budget Estimates 2023-24 - Circular No.77/2023/Fin Dated 31-07-2023
- Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave for 2023-24 - G.O.(P)No.66/2023/Fin Dated 30-06-2023
- Transfer & posting of Divisional Accountants and provisional posting Jr Supdts as Divisional Accountants - G.O.(Rt)No.3692/2023/Fin Dated 16-05-2023
- Funds transferred tp Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) Bank Account - Instructions - Circular No.40/2023/Fin Dated 29-04-2023
- 2022-23 സാമ്പത്തിക വർഷാവസാനത്തിൽ ട്രഷറി ക്യൂവിൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തിയ ബില്ലുകൾ/ചെക്കുകൾ ക്ലീയർ ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുളള നടപടിക്രമങ്ങൾ - Circular No.SS1/36/2023/Fin Dated 18-04-2023
- Resumption of funds from PTSB/JVLGTSB/SDTSB Accounts - reallocation in 2023-24 - Circular No.34/2023/Fin Dated 04-04-2023
- Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave - G.O.(P)No.33/2023/Fin Dated 31-03-2023
- പതിനൊന്നാം ശമ്പള പരിഷ്കരണ കുടിശ്ശികയുടെ ആദ്യ ഗഡു ജീവനക്കാരുടെ പി.എഫ് അക്കൗണ്ടില് ക്രെഡിറ്റ് ചെയ്യുന്നത്- നീട്ടിവച്ചു - G.O.(P)No.31/2023/Fin Dated 30-03-2023
- Avoidance of rushing bills & drawing of advance towards close of financial year - instructions - Circular No.27/2023/Fin Dated 14-03-2023
- Instructions for accounting Special Casual Leave and Special Leave for Covid - 19 - G.O.(P)No.21/2023/Fin Dated 01-03-2023
- Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave - G.O.(P)No.20/2023/Fin Dated 25-02-2023
- 2022 ഡിസംബർ മാസത്തിലെ ക്ഷേമനിധി പെൻഷൻ അനുവദിച്ച് ഉത്തരവാകുന്നു - G.O.(Rt)No.1364/2023/Fin Dated 24-02-2023
- Remitting back fund kept in the bank account due to lapsed appropriation - G.O.(P)No.16/2023/Fin Dated 20-02-2023
- ഗ്രൂപ്പ് പേഴ്സണൽ ആക്സിഡന്റ് ഇൻഷുറൻസ് പദ്ധതി - 2023 വർഷത്തേയ്ക്കുള്ള പദ്ധതി പുതുക്കിയും ജീവൻരക്ഷാ എന്ന് പുനർനാമകരണം ചെയ്തും ഉത്തരവ് പുറപ്പെടുവിയ്ക്കുന്നു - G.O.(P)No.17/2023/Fin Dated 22-02-2023
- പാർട്ട് -ടൈം ജീവനക്കാർ / പാർട്ട്-ടൈം അധ്യാപകർ എന്നിവരുടെ പ്രാൺ രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ റദ്ദ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള സമയപരിധി - Circular No.13/2023/Fin Dated 03-02-2023
- Budget Speech (English) - Budget Speech (English) Dated 03-02-2023
- Budget Speech (Malayalam) - Budget Speech (Malayalam) Dated 03-02-2023
- Scrapping of old vehicles - G.O.(P)No.11/2023/Fin Dated 31-01-2023
- Periodic Surrender of Earned Leave - Clarification - Circular No.114/2022/Fin Dated 31-12-2022
ധനകാര്യ വകുപ്പ്,
സർക്കാർ സെക്രട്ടേറിയറ്റ്
കേരളം - 695001.
ധനകാര്യ ഐടി -സോഫ്റ്റ്വെയർ ഡിവിഷൻ, വന്ദനം,ഉപ്പളം റോഡ്, സ്റ്റാച്യു,
കേരളം - 695001
നിരാകരണം :“ അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്തതും കൃത്യവും കൃത്യവുമായ വിവരങ്ങൾ ലഭ്യമാക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട് . പിശകുകൾ, എന്തെങ്കിലും ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ, ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടവരുടെ ശ്രദ്ധയിൽപ്പെടുത്തുമ്പോഴെല്ലാം അത് പരിഹരിക്കപ്പെടും. പക്ഷേ, വെബ്സൈറ്റിലെ മെറ്റീരിയലിന്റെ കൃത്യതയ്ക്ക് ഏത് തരത്തിലുള്ള ഉത്തരവാദിത്തവും ബാധ്യതയും വകുപ്പ് സ്വീകരിക്കില്ല. ഇക്കാര്യത്തിൽ, ഉപയോക്താക്കൾക്ക് അവരുടെ സ്വന്തം താൽപ്പര്യങ്ങൾ, ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥനിൽ നിന്നോ വ്യക്തിയിൽ നിന്നോ ഉള്ള വസ്തുതകളുടെ കൃത്യത എന്നിവ പരിശോധിക്കാൻ നിർദ്ദേശിക്കുന്നു.."
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